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Forum Rules, Roles and Guidelines

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1) No Spam / Advertising:
Advertising of any commercial product or service on these forums is not permitted. Chain letters and pyramid schemes are similarly prohibited. This includes the Personal Message Service and clan recruitment outside of the Clan recruitment forum.

2) Flaming:
Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited, this includes the Personal Message Service.
Use common sense while posting.

3) Off-topic posts:
Any posts that are not relevant to the thread are considered spam.

4) Offensive Content:
Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. Use common sense. We want to show this website to our mums.

5) Illegal Content:
Providing or asking for information on how to illegally obtain or provide software ("warez") or music is forbidden. This includes posting links to media from cracked versions of the game or game files imported into ArmA 3.

6) Cross-posting:
Posting a thread in more than one forum is annoying and thus not allowed. Just post it once in the correct place.

7) Copyright and ownership:
Comments & forum messages are owned by the poster.

8) Hypocrisy:
Please don't break the rules to stop other rule breakers, or to prove a point. Just because they did it, doesn't mean you can do it as well, nor should you evade a ban to prove a 'point'.

9) Unnecessary posts:
Posting "don't care", "alpha", "TLDR", "search before you post", "cool story bro" or any posts along those lines are unnecessary, inflammatory, and/or do not add to the discussion. This includes memes, GIFs and other images that are unnecessary/non-constructive; please keep them to an absolute minimum. If a duplicate thread exists, report it to the moderation team with a link.

10) Transactions:
You may not under any circumstances sell or buy in game items for real world money, the same goes for selling access to an Official or Non official Server, If you choose to do so on a Privately hosted server not connected to Hive you must advertise that else where.

11) Multiple Accounts:
Multiple accounts are not tolerated and may result in a ban for each instance.
* Name Change : Send a request to the Forum Administrator via PM.

Edited by Inception.
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Guidelines (Mod sections)

Are you posting in the right area?
You should look for the correct area depending on what you want to post about.

- If you want to team up with others or announce your clan, post it into Clan/Group Recruitment sub-forum.
- If you need technical help, post a topic into the Troubleshooting forum.
- All suggestions go into the Suggestions forum.
- Guides, tutorials, and new player questions belong in the New Player Discussion forum.
- DayZ Photos and Videos belong in the Gallery.
- Anything server (public or private) related (including server announcements) belong in the Mod Servers and Private Hives forum.
- If your post is not about DayZ, it should go in to one the Off-Topic forums.
- If your thread doesn't seem to fit into anything above, it probably belongs in General Discussion.

General Maturity:
This is probably the most simple thing. Just treat everyone with respect, and you shall receive so back. It doesn't mean everyone has to play happy lovers and pretend friends with each other. Arguments and directed comments are allowed, just keep it to a mature level, follow the forum rules and use common sense.

Quality of Posts:
If you are going to start a thread, please do not make the title with something meaningless to anyone who sees it at first. For example "I'm screwed" is meaningless to anyone who looks at it and you may not get the replies you're wanting at all. Call it something meaningful. It not only makes the forum easier to browse, but it will also help people to find your thread with the search function. If other people can find your topic easily through the search, they will reply to that one instead of creating a new one. Just don't forget to make your content meaningful too.

Search First:
Use the search function to look for an existing thread on the topic that you wish to share your opinion about. You should also look at the sticky threads (on top of the forum) and browse through the first few pages of topics, in case your search keyword just wasn't included on an existing thread of the same subject. If you create a duplicate thread, it is very likely that your thread will be locked or deleted!

We are people like the rest of you and we are all susceptible to emotions and 16 hour days. Moderators will treat everyone equally, which includes other moderators. Should it be felt that the moderators are overstepping their boundaries, please contact them or Boneboys directly via PM; at most parts of the day, moderators are very friendly people and should be willing to listen. However please refrain from posting it publicly if it involves only a single moderator as it usually ends up turning into a bashing session and would just end up with everyone in the shits.

Edited by Inception.
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Roles and Responsibilities:

DayZ Staff

DayZ developers. DO NOT send private messages to these people, and instead use the contact form on the main website.

DayZ Web Team*

Website and forum developers. DO NOT message members of this team on the forums, instead use support.dayzmod.com

Community Support

Volunteers that help deal with all of the numerous operations related to DayZ, including server administration.

Forum Administration*

Deals with forum english layout/moderators.(English Administrator)

Forum Moderators

Deals with locks/bans/warnings/moves/approvals.


Deals with Russian forum layout/moderators.(Russian Administrator)


Russian-speaking, moderate the Russian forums.

*Super moderators

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