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AS50+Thermal Weapon

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Hello everyone. Wandering around the map, found the corpse of a man and he had a sniper rifle AS50 + thermal imager. I picked it up and go with it. I may be banned for it?

PS sorry, I'm Russian, and writing through google translate

SCREENSHOT http://file.kirovnet.ru/d/632886

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Yes, DayZ mod has not AS50 with thermal. I saw only M107 with thermal which take slot of backpack and main weapon.

Вроде в игре такой пушки нету, её можно считерить, но я встречал М107 с тепловизором, в УАЗике сломаном нашёл, но он занимает слот главного оружия и сумки на спине. А тут ярко выражено что у него есть сумка и снапа с термо => отспаунил. Лучше не брать в связи паранойей рокета.

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Weapon is definitely cheated, I wouldn't recommend to take it, it will get deleted from you pretty soon anyway and you might face consequences as well. Just take legit stuff from the body and hide it.

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I found a camp with (several) such weapons almost 2 weeks ago and me and bud have been carrying them since that. It felt a bit fishy but people in irc thought it'd be legit and it's listed in the list of weapons taken directly from the code. We obviously wouldn't like to ditch such a weapon "just in case" and lacking formal list of accepted weapons (I mean really formal, made by a dev) there's no way to know if it's illegit.

I was told that if it was indeed illegit weapon we should've been automatically banned when we logged out but that never happened. Could we seriously get some official list to prominent location here on the forums listing all the legit weapons so we wouldn't always have to worry about if the good stuff we stumbled upon is legit or not.

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I found a camp with (several) such weapons almost 2 weeks ago and me and bud have been carrying them since that. It felt a bit fishy but people in irc thought it'd be legit and it's listed in the list of weapons taken directly from the code. We obviously wouldn't like to ditch such a weapon "just in case" and lacking formal list of accepted weapons (I mean really formal' date=' made by a dev) there's no way to know if it's illegit.

I was told that if it was indeed illegit weapon we should've been automatically banned when we logged out but that never happened. Could we seriously get some official list to prominent location here on the forums listing all the legit weapons so we wouldn't always have to worry about if the good stuff we stumbled upon is legit or not.


The DayZ Wiki should have them all: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapons

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It's been stated recently that spawning the weapons is how you get banned. By having the scripts that let you do so.

In my estimation, people saying they "found" something or "looted some dead guy" are really just using the most convenient lie when they are spawning weapons. They think they are sly and everyone else is too stupid to see through it.

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The DayZ Wiki should have them all: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapons

Yes' date=' "should". As you see there's AS50 there and while there's no mention of the TWS there is BAF_AS50_TWS or something in the list taken from the code. There's no really official note on this or then I haven't seen it. I asked about the AS50 TWS in irc the moment I found it. Someone said that it's probably hacked, some other said it's legit but just very, very rare, someone said if it shows up in tent it's legit and all this usual stuff.

These hacked weapon? - threads are so common that they alone justify an official, dev-made list of weapons currently in the game. Lists compiled by random community guys or forum mods are insightful but they lack the "this is the truth" - backbone the official list would have. Players are afraid to pick up good loot now, fearing it might be hacked and lead to them being banned for playing the game. It really hurts the joy of actually finding good stuff, [b']especially since we can't just alt-tab to forums and check an official list for reference.

In my estimation' date=' people saying they "found" something or "looted some dead guy" are really just using the most convenient lie when they are spawning weapons. They think they are sly and everyone else is too stupid to see through it.


Why would anyone spawn himself an illegit gun and then come ask if it's legit? Especially since you just said yourself that spawning the weapon is what gets you banned. Discussing it here is the best compromise between dropping every questionable item "just in case" and simply jumping to the opportunity. I for one will drop my AS50 the second am shown an official list that excludes my precious but until such time I'm not dropping it "just in case". After all, me (and most others here, I imagine) have found the discussed guns while just playing the game and as such have done nothing wrong.

If there's indeed a dev-verified list of accepted weapons somewhere, please direct me to it and if possible sticky it under the cheat reporting section as "ALLOWED WEAPONS" or something. As long as the only lists are community made, hunch-based lists I'm not too eager to drop good stuff just because there's no mention of it. At least when it's not totally obvious like GAU-8 or mininuke.

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The DayZ Wiki should have them all: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapons

Yes' date=' "should". As you see there's AS50 there and while there's no mention of the TWS there is BAF_AS50_TWS or something in the list taken from the code. There's no really official note on this or then I haven't seen it. I asked about the AS50 TWS in irc the moment I found it. Someone said that it's probably hacked, some other said it's legit but just very, very rare, someone said if it shows up in tent it's legit and all this usual stuff.

These hacked weapon? - threads are so common that they alone justify an official, dev-made list of weapons currently in the game. Lists compiled by random community guys or forum mods are insightful but they lack the "this is the truth" - backbone the official list would have. Players are afraid to pick up good loot now, fearing it might be hacked and lead to them being banned for playing the game. It really hurts the joy of actually finding good stuff, [b']especially since we can't just alt-tab to forums and check an official list for reference.

In my estimation' date=' people saying they "found" something or "looted some dead guy" are really just using the most convenient lie when they are spawning weapons. They think they are sly and everyone else is too stupid to see through it.


Why would anyone spawn himself an illegit gun and then come ask if it's legit? Especially since you just said yourself that spawning the weapon is what gets you banned. Discussing it here is the best compromise between dropping every questionable item "just in case" and simply jumping to the opportunity. I for one will drop my AS50 the second am shown an official list that excludes my precious but until such time I'm not dropping it "just in case". After all, me (and most others here, I imagine) have found the discussed guns while just playing the game and as such have done nothing wrong.

If there's indeed a dev-verified list of accepted weapons somewhere, please direct me to it and if possible sticky it under the cheat reporting section as "ALLOWED WEAPONS" or something. As long as the only lists are community made, hunch-based lists I'm not too eager to drop good stuff just because there's no mention of it. At least when it's not totally obvious like GAU-8 or mininuke.

You have things a bit mixed up. I probably posted poorly.

What I meant is, when someone was banned (usually before the global Battleye ban, but sometimes after), that's their common story. They they didn't spawn anything or that they were just there for the nuke.

Elsewhere, you can find a thread where one of the server admins snipped some juicy log excerpts. Everyone thinks that they are getting away with it, but it's logged and discoverable at a whim.

So coming here and saying you found it won't work if they have the log. If there really was a rash of people finding weapons and being banned, then there would be a lot of posts indicating that bans had been lifted. Where are they?

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You have things a bit mixed up. I probably posted poorly.

What I meant is' date=' when someone was banned (usually before the global Battleye ban, but sometimes after), that's their common story. They they didn't spawn anything or that they were just there for the nuke.

Elsewhere, you can find a thread where one of the server admins snipped some juicy log excerpts. Everyone thinks that they are getting away with it, but it's logged and discoverable at a whim.

So coming here and saying you found it won't work if they have the log. If there really was a rash of people finding weapons and being banned, then there would be a lot of posts indicating that bans had been lifted. Where are they?


Yes got it bit wrong, but my main argument still stands. I haven't seen any threads like "found weapon, got banned" but I don't need to search for those if you say they exist. Fair enough, but this OP was only afraid he'd get banned, even took a ss to prove he clearly shot someone for it (granted, it in itself doesn't prove he's innocent but still). Still, I don't see him asking to get his ban lifted or anything, just like I wont, having not been banned.

I see your point but I don't see how it applies to these threads where people ask about the legitimacy of given weapons in fear of being banned for finding them.

e: Apparently the AS50's have been replaced with a makarov, I take that as a "it's illegit" which is fair nuff and proper way to handle this type of issue.

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A weapon like that would be so sweet /drool....

I'd still prefer Barrett though, the zoom function is so awesome.

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