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Shooting down aVa's chopper

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So yeah, we shot down the chopper on the aVa private hive and here's the video. Also a thanks to the aVa boys for giving us some of the funnest firefights we've ever had in DayZ, here's your crash from our perspective. Also a caution, i get pretty excited when i see it going down lol.

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Great work! I'd give you some beans but I'm over the bean-giving-limit for today :(

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For some reason I can't play on the server at all, it's always very laggy. >.< When I get shot I die like two minutes after and bandaging, eating or drinking takes forever. Seen other players saying about it too.

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For some reason I can't play on the server at all, it's always very laggy. >.< When I get shot I die like two minutes after and bandaging, eating or drinking takes forever. Seen other players saying about it too.

Hmm, odd i had a sort of problem like that the other day. Spawned in elektro and there was a full squad of ghillies campin' the place needless to say i got shot and they broke my legs yet i could still run around. Other than that i don't seem to have much issues with this server.

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