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Best PvP of my life

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So it all started when me and my friend wanted to go pvping so we found a guy in the church and my friend threw frags into there. Then the bandit in the church battle logged and my friend made himself unconscious so i had to protect him. After i got all the medical supplies to heal him up i saw a guy with an axe running in front of the church and i said hey get away over the microphone and he was said "Oh my Gosh! Don't shoot! and he tried killing me so i had to shoot him" i couldn't stop laughing so after that i gave my friend morphine and while he was covering the door i noticed a bandit duo had spawned right behind us in the church. They were in front of the church and i shot a bandit right between the eyes while his friend lit me up,but i didn't die! i couldn't believe it oh and my friend ended up dying and the other bandit either logged or was bandaging too because when he ran to the corner i shot him in the shoulder. So i sprinted out of the church with only 2k blood left and ate a lot, and i mean a lot of food. Then i was looking at my map while a bandit came up to me and shot me in the face. So the server was about to restart any ways so i just disconnected and waited to re spawn. At Drakon aw yeah.

So i ran into elektro and found myself a trusty AKM, but a lot of people didn't stay after the restart so i headed to the other fire station next to the church. Lucky for me i went behind the church and when i went around the corner i saw a guy running in soldier clothing and he had a saw so i lit him up and he fell instantly. post-58150-0-70581000-1348714370_thumb.j When i went to loot his body i didn't take the gun i only took his tools and food then i ran back around the corner, and while i was turning the corner i heard 2 voices say "Wow dude come look at this!" it was a bandit and a survivor. So i shot at the bandit and hit him so many times but he was still alive. He ran one way and the survivor ran the other screaming "Friendly don't kill me!" but i just wanted to kill the bandit so i flanked him and shot him 3 times. He died, but his body disappeared so i thought he battle logged but i saw the death message pop up and i got another bandit kill. Later on like 15 mins a bunch of people logged on and the mayhem began.

There was shooting all around elektro so i ran to an apartment building but had to vault over some sandbags, and just as i vaulted over a survivor with a makarov shot at me and i started bleeding. I'm glad it didn't break my legs so i vaulted back over and he ran away to reload. Then i ran across the street and bandaged up and went prone behind a tent that was there, and not even a minute later the guy with the makarov comes running around the corner so i just sprayed and prayed and he said "wow you're a great shot man" (of course he was being sarcastic) so i killed him and took his winchester because i didn't have any akm ammo left. After that i spotted an unarmed survivor running toward me and he yelled friendly and not to shoot him. So i went the other way and he was coming straight for me again so i shot at his chest and missed, and then he told me "Wow you're an epic fail you can't even shoot me", but i wasn't even going to kill him because he was unarmed but that comment got me mad so i shot his leg and broke them and then he said "Wow! you actually got me!". So i told him i wasn't going to kill him because he was unarmed and i would let him bandage and right when i said bye i got teleported to the beach and killed by a hacker! What a night and if you actually read all of this WOW, and thanks for reading :D

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Don't let the little shits get you down about aim. You killed your target. That is what matters.

Real dead men can't bitch about your aim or anything like that... Which is why I "NUhghhGHhh" into my mic upon death.

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Don't let the little shits get you down about aim. You killed your target. That is what matters.

Real dead men can't bitch about your aim or anything like that... Which is why I "NUhghhGHhh" into my mic upon death.

I'm going to be doing that from now on. Beans for you.

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