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starting with no gear! (personal experience)

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after the login-death-bug i find myself at the coast near elektro. i decided not to run into zombies at let them eat my body. without any gear (no bandage, no painkillers) i started playing.

the first zombies i met, wounded me and i lost 10000 blood, before i found a bandage.

i really liked it to start my survival-trip without any gear.

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I just love spawning without anything on me, thats when I run through Cherno like a jackass and let someone shoot me, and then they realize that I don't have anything on me. I tend to have at least one gun to add effect.

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This happened to me just a couple of days ago. Spawned with only the clothes on my back and my food and water already red. Was close to Electro...challenge accepted lol. Was geared back up in about 5 minutes, even said hi to a survivor i met in the church, but i think i freaked him out even though i didnt even have a weapon yet...he ran away lol.

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Happened to me on my longest survival attempt (26 days)

I got teleported so I shut DayZ, spawned in debug plains next time and then relogged to spawn to the coast.

I spawned near Cherno, sneaked until I got a grip of a hatchet and then just ran trough Cherno for loot. I think I got an ALICE pack from supermarket, an AK-74 and a Makarov. Later on I stole someones Ghillie suit. I thought it went pretty well.

Edited by Sutinen

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more than once I would dump everything in a tent and go inside the northwest airfield with a map, a can of soda, a can of food and a hatchet, but I guess that's a different thing. the satisfaction comes when someone has horrible aim trying to kill you and wastes an entire FN FAL mag on you, then when he finally kills you in the 1 shot it takes, he's greeted with my awesome gear. (of course after that I need to play running simulator for 2 hours until I get back to my tent)

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I have actually had fun the two times I experienced this glitch, still have all my zombie and player kills recorded but started out with my ghillie on and nothing in my inventory (not even a flashlight). Sometimes I feel as though awesome gear makes me overly cautious and I lose out on friendly experiences and die due to being too cautious. I think I do my best work with just an AKM found in a deer stand/firestation running around killing spawn campers.

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Call me a masochist and strap me in leather. I agree.

I love bugging out and spawning fresh with ZERO gear (no sarcasm).

The true joy of the game comes from scavenging and just trying to survive.

Off topic suggestion:

While we're discussing the masochistic approach...when I do find weapons, I'd like them to have a small chance of being broken/damaged.

I'd love to find shity weapons like rifles with busted scopes that are out of alignment which you need to tune by target practice, wasting ammo and alerting anyone that can hear you.

I do this every fall in RL with my own slug shotgun when I mount the red-dot for deer hunting, and for zeroing my rifle scope after banging around in my case on a longer trip. Even repetitive shooting on high-recoil guns can knock a scope out of whack. I

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