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Where do supplies come from?

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Hi! I have a question about DayZ. Is there any other way to get loot other than killing players? Where do advanced things such as weapons spawn?

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I believe that on servers with more players more loot spawns. My team met up in Kamenka yesterday and we were going stary sobor. I came from NW Airfield with 2 guys and we were looting choppers, deer stands + the Airfield on our way south on a fairly empty server. We found 2 chopper spawns with ammo and 2 bizons + 1 m16a2 in a deerstand that was it.

As we all met in Kamenka we joined a 50 man server and the loot was awesome. 1x ghillie and 1x camo cloting right in kamenka, 1x m24 + 2mags + 2 dmr mags in the first deer stand above it. chopper crashsite with as50+2mags, mk48mod0 with 1 mag, another crash site with 2x m14 and and and... As we arrived in Stary Sobor the whole 6 man had high grade military weapons, ghillied sniper with as50, m 24 , dmr guy, m16 acog, m14's, m9,g17 sidearms and enough ammo. In stary sobor we have found another ghillie in the red brick house.

The cities on our way north provided enough food, drinks and alice packs for everyone.

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