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Setting up new Private DayZ rMod server. Looking for players

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As the titles states, Aether Games is looking to start a private server. This server will run off of a white list of players. Likely 40 players or less, running rMod to enable all the fun features therein, running on a dedicated machine. We have admins online at most hours of the day (~20 hours). We're missing 2 things. Players and donations. We're hoping to setup safe zones, medivac services, field hospitals, trading posts, as well as merc work and game days (Hunger Games, Hunting Humans, etc). We're looking to have fun, and we want to have fun with people who don't whine, complain, bitch and moan and generally think that everyone's hacking just because they were killed. We're all adults, and we want to play with players who act like it. We have a teamspeak, a website, and active admins who actively control the servers. We are a fix the problem and find out the details later group.

So, having that said, a dedicated server with RDP access is around $140 USD/mo. At 30 active donators, this works out to be just under a $5 donation per month. To be whitelisted, you are required to make a $5 donation per month. This isn't much, and ensures that those who are playing have a monetary investment in the game. You don't have to play any specific way, hell if you wanna lone wolf it the entire time, that's your deal. If you want to be a bandit/murdering psychopath, all the better, it adds color to an otherwise pretty version of minecraft.. Put pay us a visit. We are really looking forward to seeing our player base build. Visit our webpage, get the Teamspeak info, join in, and get to know us. Our website is www.aethergames.us.

Also, bring beer.

Link to rMod:


Edited by Psikys
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No problem man! Just letting everybody know. It's obviously not required. Thanks for the post though. Each post keeps this up at the top of the forum :)

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rmod, isn't that a hacker's playground tool? good luck trying to gain support here for that!


a hack-free pc-gamers community

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enlighten me!

can you give us some info on rmod?


checked your link for rmod, essentially it is doing what hackers do with scripts except on the server-side and without scripts.

have you gotten this to work to add extra vehicles without spawning them in by editing the database? for instance, with this mod enabled can you just add the vehicles to the spawn tables and vehicles.pl to naturally spawn like the rest of them?

Edited by pcgnBobo

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enlighten me!

can you give us some info on rmod?


checked your link for rmod, essentially it is doing what hackers do with scripts except on the server-side and without scripts.

have you gotten this to work to add extra vehicles without spawning them in by editing the database? for instance, with this mod enabled can you just add the vehicles to the spawn tables and vehicles.pl to naturally spawn like the rest of them?

Basically, rMod is a completely different game/mod from DayZ. It uses DayZ as a base, but allows admins to reimagine the world how they see fit. Having that said, the stuff above is how we imagine it. Think of something more along the lines of 28 Weeks Later. Less of a completely alone scenario and more of a attempting to rebuild the world scenario. No scripting will be allowed in as Battleye will be turned on. The only reason we're charging $5 isn't to really help pay for the server, but more to ensure that the hackers and griefers don't even join, as it would require SOME kind of investment from them. They aren't in it to pay for something to fuck up, they are just around to screw up everybody's day and laugh about it.

I've seen some video's where they got rMod up and running. You can edit the mission files to include new spawn points, items, frequency, etc... and I believe you can even build buildings and fortress's with the mode - prior to ever turning the server on for public consumption. Again, I WANT people to come play, but the $5 is to ensure that A. you care about the server and your gaming experience, and B. puts money in the bank of the community to pay for new fun toys when they come out. I'm not out to make money, and looking into the private hive experience more, looks like we're going to be setting the max players to 30 as the private hives tend to bog down after that.

You're welcome to hop on our TS and discuss it with us, or even just hang out and play games with us.

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thanks man, wasn't sure where to post it. It's technically a recruitment posting, but it's also strictly about a new private hive server. Thanks for putting this in the right place Fraggle.

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As the titles states, Aether Games is looking to start a private server. This server will run off of a white list of players. Likely 40 players or less, running rMod to enable all the fun features therein, running on a dedicated machine. We have admins online at most hours of the day (~20 hours). We're missing 2 things. Players and donations. We're hoping to setup safe zones, medivac services, field hospitals, trading posts, as well as merc work and game days (Hunger Games, Hunting Humans, etc). We're looking to have fun, and we want to have fun with people who don't whine, complain, bitch and moan and generally think that everyone's hacking just because they were killed. We're all adults, and we want to play with players who act like it. We have a teamspeak, a website, and active admins who actively control the servers. We are a fix the problem and find out the details later group.

So, having that said, a dedicated server with RDP access is around $140 USD/mo. At 30 active donators, this works out to be just under a $5 donation per month. To be whitelisted, you are required to make a $5 donation per month. This isn't much, and ensures that those who are playing have a monetary investment in the game. You don't have to play any specific way, hell if you wanna lone wolf it the entire time, that's your deal. If you want to be a bandit/murdering psychopath, all the better, it adds color to an otherwise pretty version of minecraft.. Put pay us a visit. We are really looking forward to seeing our player base build. Visit our webpage, get the Teamspeak info, join in, and get to know us. Our website is www.aethergames.us.

Also, bring beer.

Link to rMod:


I was actually in the process of trying to set up a Lingor Island server with this exact type of setting. Even though it was a private server with full access to FTP, im running into issues trying to set it up and and beginning to realize that it may not be possible to do it through the server host im using. This is nothing against the server host itself, they've been great, just think ill need a full dedicated machine to get this working.

Is the server up currently? If i can't get my server working as intended, then id definitely consider joining your community. The reason i attempted to set up a server in the first place is because the rMod server my friends and I play @ will be going down soon.

Edited by CincoCandyTails
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Thank you Psikys, that sounds awesome. I am going to look more into this for our servers as well.

Collaboritively we may be able to make faster ground than individually. I'll try and come by sometime.

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I was actually in the process of trying to set up a Lingor Island server with this exact type of setting. Even though it was a private server with full access to FTP, im running into issues trying to set it up and and beginning to realize that it may not be possible to do it through the server host im using. This is nothing against the server host itself, they've been great, just think ill need a full dedicated machine to get this working.

Is the server up currently? If i can't get my server working as intended, then id definitely consider joining your community. The reason i attempted to set up a server in the first place is because the rMod server my friends and I play @ will be going down soon.

We actually just got the machine built today. I'm literally sitting on the phone with Amazon right now trying to figure out why the won't let me purchase another copy of ArmA 2 CO so that we can get it up and running. Swing on by Teamspeak sometime tonight and we'll chat and let you know what's up.

I'll throw you the teamspeak info in a pm.

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Thank you Psikys, that sounds awesome. I am going to look more into this for our servers as well.

Collaboritively we may be able to make faster ground than individually. I'll try and come by sometime.

I completely agree. Let me know if you're every interested. I'll pm you the Teamspeak info.

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i popped in for a few this morning but you seemed busy. I am moving this weekend but will be back exploring things next week!

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Hey bobo, we have moved everything to a dedicated server. The TS info I sent you is no longer valid. Sent you a new PM.

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Question to the group, the server is up and running, rMod is installed, but I'm trying to figure out how to edit the actual map. We are trying to build a "Central Outpost" of sorts, for players to be able to access. We're going for the docks in Cherno. Having that said, sandbags just doesn't do it for us. I'd like to build ACTUAL fortifications, similar to what they show in the video for rMod. Walls like those used in the "Thunderdome" we've all been forced into so many times, only not boxes high. Just 1 box high.

I've already unpacked the pbo file, snagged the mission file out of it and opened it in the 2d mission editor, but I'm not sure how to actually place things. Anyone got any ideas? If this just WILL NOT work, I guess we can go with just sandbags and tank traps and such, but I'd like so much to be able to actually build a new interesting place on the map to really make it a different experience.


Edited by Psikys

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