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About psikys

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. psikys

    Can I play in the day (UK Player)

    @DMstratz - I'd like to agree with you, but we've been joining US servers and it's night time all day (since around noon pacific time).I found one day time server, but that was it.
  2. Just add the IP and Port to your favorites list in DayZ Commander.
  3. Like I said, I let em go because they were paying for the server, but I'm done with that. Done with the bullshit and the arguments. Come, play, and enjoy.
  4. Server Info DayZ Panthera - Hell In North Carolina (v1.7.3/build 98220) [VETERAN|3DP:OFF|CH:OFF][GMT-6] - hosted by AetherGames.us TeamSpeak Info address: ts3.aethergames.us:10437 password: Welcome123 (only passworded to prevent the public list trolls from joining) Server Time Zone US Central Time Server Restart Schedule Every 6 hours starting at midnight Rules Side Chat currently enabled (this may change at some point but not now). No voice in side chat (you will be kicked). No griefing the server. In general, don't be a douche. Don't come in screaming racist remarks into side chat, or typing them for that matter. This isn't COD. Go back there if you want to act that way. Additional Details This server is entirely about you, the player. We want to have fun, and we want our players to have fun. We've had admins in the past who played the "it's my house my rules" game before, and I let it slide for a while, but I pay for the server, so now it's my rules. My rules state, players can play when they want and how they want. The only exceptions to that are the rules listed above, and that's to keep a level of respect in the server. No randome restarts, if you kill an admin, they won't be rebooting the server to try and get their stuff back, or their helicopter/uaz/bus/INSERTVEHICLEHERE back. That doesn't fly. In game, admins are no different than you. Players of the server. Come join us. Feel at home, and register on our site. That let's me poll the users at random to talk about changes, updates, etc... Website: www.aethergames.us See you out there. :)
  5. Why is the server awesome? Constant admin presence, latest anti-cheat software, private hive (no ghosting). We've setup a trade center and safe zone, medical services, mechanic services, merc services, and pretty much we are willing to help with whatever you need help with...as long as you're willing to provide the coin. 50 player max Battleye enabled - BEC enabled Teamspeak available for those who wish to join Side Chat enabled VON enabled - but you will be kicked if you spam side chat Kill messages are enabled (makes catching hackers easier). Come join, call us home and hang out! Careful though...if you think you feel someone watching you...I can't guarantee the crosshairs aren't on the back of your neck. We are not whitelisting at this moment, but will be in the future. To ensure you are on the whitelist, let us know at www.aethergames.us Thanks guys!
  6. So, we started kick/banning people after we got griefed. Long story short, we were trying to setup a bit of an RP system on the server, and got griefed by hackers. We asked players to leave while we fixed the server, no one did. So we kicked. People rejoined. Kicked again, they rejoined again...that time we banned. A lot of people ended up getting banned all over. Currently we are setting a new private server on a dedicated box, no ViLayer hives, completely controlled by us. We are using rMod, and will be whitelisting players. Originally I Wanted to charge players $5 a month to play on the server, to ensure that hackers just fucked right off. Reasoning? Hackers aren't going to fuck up a server they help pay for. But, Im open to ideas. Please be assured, there was nothing personal meant by any kick/bans on the takistan server. Feel free to join us in Teamspeak. ts3.aethergames.us. Password is Welcome123 (only on there to keep the trolls from joining from the public ts3 lists).
  7. psikys

    Editing map in 3d Editor

    So, I decided to put the issue to bed for the night last night after running into a few issues, and coming back to it today with a fresh start. I have the new map saved. I have the mission PBO from my server unpacked. I open the server map in the map editor, merge it with the new map with changes and save as a user mission. This does not produce a new PBO as so many guides say so, but that's fine. I use BinPBO to repack all files (.sqm, init, and one other file) back into a PBO. I upload that new pbo back to the server (same name as origin file) and launch DayZ. Lo-and-behold...no changes made. WHAT WRONG LION-O?! SNARF
  8. psikys

    Editing map in 3d Editor

    I'm having an issue saving the map. I click on map from 3d mode, then I click center, then I click group, then I click unit, but it still tells me I need 1 playable unit before saving the map....any ideas? EDIT: Nevermind...placed the unit.
  9. psikys

    Editing map in 3d Editor

    So here's what I'm currently doing. -Exported DayZ mission file from server to my home pc. -Extracted the pbo to a folder -Placed folder into the mpmissions folder in my ArmA 2 documents directory -Open ArmA 2 running both DayZ and rMod mods -Create local server -Load Chernarus Map -Select the DayZ mission -Open the mission in the editor --at this point I run into the roadblock, I can't seem to place anything or edit anything, although I can look at it all day long. Also, opening the mission in the 3d editor doesn't work at all...it just doesn't appear. Do I have to place it in a different location for the 3d editor to work?
  10. Question to the group, the server is up and running, rMod is installed, but I'm trying to figure out how to edit the actual map. We are trying to build a "Central Outpost" of sorts, for players to be able to access. We're going for the docks in Cherno. Having that said, sandbags just doesn't do it for us. I'd like to build ACTUAL fortifications, similar to what they show in the video for rMod. Walls like those used in the "Thunderdome" we've all been forced into so many times, only not boxes high. Just 1 box high. I've already unpacked the pbo file, snagged the mission file out of it and opened it in the 2d mission editor, but I'm not sure how to actually place things. Anyone got any ideas? If this just WILL NOT work, I guess we can go with just sandbags and tank traps and such, but I'd like so much to be able to actually build a new interesting place on the map to really make it a different experience. Yes, I'm aware this is not normal DayZ. I'm aware that the DayZ guys will likely not like this. I'm not asking them for help. Thanks in advance.
  11. Question to the group, the server is up and running, rMod is installed, but I'm trying to figure out how to edit the actual map. We are trying to build a "Central Outpost" of sorts, for players to be able to access. We're going for the docks in Cherno. Having that said, sandbags just doesn't do it for us. I'd like to build ACTUAL fortifications, similar to what they show in the video for rMod. Walls like those used in the "Thunderdome" we've all been forced into so many times, only not boxes high. Just 1 box high. I've already unpacked the pbo file, snagged the mission file out of it and opened it in the 2d mission editor, but I'm not sure how to actually place things. Anyone got any ideas? If this just WILL NOT work, I guess we can go with just sandbags and tank traps and such, but I'd like so much to be able to actually build a new interesting place on the map to really make it a different experience. EDIT: CREATED NEW THREAD FOR OFF-TOPIC QUESTION
  12. Hey bobo, we have moved everything to a dedicated server. The TS info I sent you is no longer valid. Sent you a new PM.
  13. I completely agree. Let me know if you're every interested. I'll pm you the Teamspeak info.