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I am looking for a new server to call home and i've been reading over servers that have these short lists of rules but give no information about their server so here's what i'm gonna do. I will give you a list there Mr. Admin and if my list sounds like something your server can offer me then let me know here.

1. Adult Admins : Mature in other words, don't show favoritism to one group or another and give everyone a good server to play on.

2. Admins don't cheat : Don't spawn equipment for yourself because you feel you are obligated to it because it's your server. Don't lay claim to vehicles and heli's, you play here so play fair.

3. Maybe a few weapons that aren't original: I can overlook this one simply because I know it's hard to get into a server but please at least consider putting in some low grade weapons in the future. (AK-74 with grenade launcher, the Russian version of the NATO weapon).

4. No 24 hour day cycle : This is the most important one I require. Don't come here and tell me to join your server if your server is constantly day. I want a changing day/night cycle that allows me to play different depending on the time of day. Also don't shorten the night simply so you can play in the day time.

5. Server is up 24 hours a day unless down for maintenance: Don't drop the server because you went to school and are scared people will raid your camp. That's admin abuse, play fair, you don't guard my camp when i'm not online, so stop playing the server in your favor.

6. Admin dies, bans player: If you can't take dieing, then don't bother asking me to join your server. If I kill you, fucking die, don't rollback the server to get your gear back. Don't ban me because you walked into an ambush, just die and accept the loss. Everyone else does, why shouldn't you?

7. Active admins: Either set up restarts or do it yourself. Be active! Fix the server if shits broken! Ban hackers!

8. Side chat is text only: There is nothing more annoying then some kid screaming at you in side chat about how you stole his coyote backpack off his lifeless twitching corpse at the NW airfield because he was checking hangers with a flare in his hand. Leave that shit off, text is fine to find hackers but voice? Why would you need that? To make groups? What the hell is this World of Warcraft? They invented Skype, Mumble and Teamspeak for a reason.

9. 3rd Person : On, CH : Off / On (either) Waypoints : On, Player dots on a map: Off

10. US based or at least I get decent ping for your server from the US.

That's it, if your server fits this, then yeah i'll happily join up. I made a long list because I am sick of jumping servers over stupid shit like side chat voice being on for whatever the fuck reason then hearing stupid people whine about things like their camp being raided. I don't like hearing myself, hell I don't wanna hear half of you people much less myself.

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My server is exactly what your looking for as we meet every requirement, our thread is here:http://dayzmod.com/f...nce-foundation/

Note that you'll have to make a forum account at http://bmrf.me to be auto-whitelisted.

Edit: Woops, misread a bit of your post. The only difference is that we actually do not have waypoints enabled.

Edited by Peep

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You are more than welcomed on my server DayZ - US 405 (v1.7.2.6/Beta 96895) [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-6] - hosted by DayZmod/CaptHazzard. However it does not meet all of what you said you wanted, and no I will not change it for you (unless you want to cover my hosting fees), Good luck!

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Peep. I read over your server listing and it sounds good but I didn't see reference to weapon changes. I know I mentioned it being optional, so I assume that's a no on new weapons loaded into your server?

Also, registered on the forum so waiting patiently for the server to let me in.

Edited by Tandwan

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