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Double Tap Australian/US | Elpis hosted | Bliss hive | Veteran | 52 vehicles + 3 UH-1H | Password |

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2 hackers last night ran scripts to blow everything away. Hard to fix but im working on it now. Even with a password the server still gets hit.

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We may switch to a PM system where if someone wants the password they have to PM someone that has it. Will cut down on the hacks maybe.

Side note almost finished fixing server.

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Ok almost done the new password will be zombnut

Will hold off on doing the PMing password the hackers are now banned

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Bunch of cool guys on this server, if you're a legit player it's fantastic. Off for a week or two for exams, but will be back and as keen as ever. Goodluck both to BH and DT in the clan war!!

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Thanks to hackers the password is zombnut. Even with a password the server hit 27 users online was lots of fun. Lots of killing lol

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Are all the helicopters claimed? I'd really like to take a shot at the medivac thing. Killing zombies is fun and all, but I'd like to be more of a team player :)

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There are 3. 2 are claimed and the 3rd one spawned at electro and was crashed. When I reload the files it will spawn again some where else.

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There are 3. 2 are claimed and the 3rd one spawned at electro and was crashed. When I reload the files it will spawn again some where else.

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Pretty sure we just got hit by a hacker. Someone shot me out of nowhere then everyone on server started dying one by one. Uriel - User - Mathias - Jayson, all died within a minute

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Banned the hacker. I don't understand why they come to a private hive to shit on people

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Have a good amount 20 Plus a night to play with but looking for more now

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Im no longer monitoring this thread so hit up King Sob or Aussiestig if you have questions

Fed up with hackers so im not playing again until standalone </3

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