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timmy aka silence

Would be nice to know when someone didn't pay the rent.

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Expect alot of it in the near future. There are plenty of public hive servers that have been empty for some time. Private hives are becoming proportionally more common. Almost half the servers in my list there were some time after I first started playing. Some of the admins who are active in game but dont want to pay for an empty server have been putting up a warning the server is going down, which is good of them.

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Server i was calling my home went down literally the day after i got my camp going, VS3 full of high tier gear and tents o plenty. Still missing my stuff.

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I know it sucks, but don't take collecting nice loot too seriously.

You will lose it anyway due to hacks, glitches, bugs, bandits, swimming, placing it in cars,tents.....guess you figured it out. ;)

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How is this thread in any way relevant to rule #1?

His gear lost, never get attached to it. Servers vanish it happens want to insure it doest happen rent one.

Now if he didn't mention the gear I would of said rent one to avoid losing your home server.


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So if I spend three weeks carefully plotting my way through the world, carefully planning my way through towns and airfields to get the best gear, then I get teleported to the middle of the ocean and killed, of course I'm going to be pissed. Because I'm attached to my gear, how can you not be? I'm not talking about reading it a bed time story every night but you are going to miss it if it is lost, cos whats the point of gettin it if you don't really want it?

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Wanting something and being attached to it are 2 different things. Everyone wants an L85 & AS50, but when you have one, don't become over-reliant on it, because you'll lose it and be screwed when you die!

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:P I hate sniping, the Bizon and the mp5 for me, too bad I've only ever found the two bizons. Or at the longest ranged weapon the M4

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Tell me did you (OP) contribute to the cost and upkeep of the server? I think many of the servers are going to go down if players / members don't contribute to the upkeep.

it's a shame really but eventually people may have contribute, or the server hosts may dwindle down to private passworded ones.

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