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AHHHH WINDOWS 7!!!!!!!!!!!

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i have a problem i cant get my fps over 15. wtf? i upgraded my computer specs will be down below and i tried shutting off other things steam skype etc and it made it watchable but who the fuck wants watchable i want people to enjoy my vids!?! i tried changing stuff in files i changed the gpu frames yada yada crap and that didnt help!

6670 hd graphics card

11 gigs of ram

amd athlon

II X2 220 Proccesor 2.80


64 bit operating system

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you using fraps? if so make sure your saving the video to a different HDD cause it will slow down if you try to record a video and play on the same HDD, even on a different partition since it's still on the same HDD. I noticed a difference when I did that. there some good vids on youtube that can help you optimize it to get better FPS.

I am just assuming you meaning recording video's while playing since you mentioned it.

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Rofl. I love these posts.

1. Windows 7 more than likely has nothing to do with your FPS.

2. ARMA 2 is a very intensive CPU program and you have a DUEL core CPU. And at a glance I'd say your GFX card is being stupidly bottlenecked by your CPU. Upgrade

3. If you really want to try and get more FPS. Have a look at these:



Edited by piemanpm

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