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DayZ Takistan and Fallujah serverfiles for !

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ok im stuck at the 11:17:53 Mission DayZ fallujah read from directory. loop. not clearly explained how to fix it :(

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ok im stuck at the 11:17:53 Mission DayZ fallujah read from directory. loop. not clearly explained how to fix it :(

you downloaded the new package?

what is the name of your fallujah map folder?

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I updated the first post to make installation much much easier. The database is now included, along with the modified @dayz files, you should check it out, if you can.

I suggest you try the Takistan one first.

It's nearly 4AM here, and there is an error in the start_game_takistan.bat:

start .\arma2oa.exe -mod=@dayz_taki -nosplash -world=empty -maxMem=2047

this is what it SHOULD be:

start .\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe -mod=@dayz_taki -nosplash -world=empty -maxMem=2047

fallujah work fine with the new package, big thanks

i try takistan asap

EDIT : i just encounter 2 minor bug on first logging, i spawn dead, and then spawn (immediatly without going to lobby) with broken leg icon ( i was able to run) in a flat aera with nothing around,

i suicide, go to lobby and respawn fine.

Edited by necropaul

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Thanks! :D Been working on this for a couple of days and everything's working good now with the new installer. Problems I ran into....

-First try I was prompted with signature files error. Fixed by turning verification of signature off.

-Next I spawned in with no character model. Fixed by reinstalling server installation exe. (Might of happened because I was messing around with files to get the signature verification working and clearing tables in the database.

-Also got the Server is running incorrect version error. May be caused by turning battle eye off? Have not checked this theory.

-Last problem I ran into was, it took me so long to figure this out everyone went to sleep and now I have no one to play with :D

Thanks for the help. My advice to others running into problems is download the armaholic map file fallujah1_2 extract to a folder with the same name, run Fallujah_Server_1.7.2.6_v1.exe (Rar), extract it to your arma2oa folder, then turn off file signature verification in cfgdayz>server_fallujah.cfg

Edited by MurkyB

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Thanks! :D Been working on this for a couple of days and everything's working good now with the new installer. Problems I ran into....

i didn't try the installer but i guess it's just a zip with an auto extractor

-First try I was prompted with signature files error. Fixed by turning verification of signature off.

didn't need, just remove the file .bisign in @dayz_taki/fal without the dztaki/fal_v1 (or delete the folder and take from the GIT/installer,

fal was by default to verifySignatures 1 (didn't change it, works) and taki to verifySignatures 2 (didn't change, work)

-Also got the Server is running incorrect version error. May be caused by turning battle eye off? Have not checked this theory.

yes, you need to keep battleye to 1 (apparently this was caused by the dayz code on the client, so hard to remove, but i saw some server without battleye on and player was able to join with original dayz file, so i don't really know but i get the same error everytime i turn it off)

BTW i check taki too, work fine

for the moment i only play for 1 or 2 min,

on fal, i saw zombie spawning well (they aggro from far away ^_^),

on taki, i saw zombie spawning and object in a house,

i'm going to play with some friend this week end, i'll let you know if we encounter any bug (not before i big week i think)

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One thing I have noticed is the extra vehicles are missing :( I tried adding them to the database with no luck :( I replaced a uh1h_dz with CH_47F_EP1 and added it to object, classes, and spawns and it just will not spawn. Any way we can get these extra vehicles used in the vilayer files to work on these server files?

Edited by MurkyB

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-First try I was prompted with signature files error. Fixed by turning verification of signature off.

about your signature problems:

client must have the same @dayz_taki folder, if you downloaded the new pack, then it is a different version from the old one. delete your old @dayz_taki folder on both the server and client before applying the new pack.

you will get signature errors if you have different signature files for the same file (two different bisign files for one PBO file).

this also applies to the @dayz_fal folder.

about the vehicles:

this pack DOES NOT include any custom vehicles introduced by any other parties. this pack is not affiliated with any of these server companies, who are asking money to be able to use these maps.


yeah, there is a reason why fallujah has verifysignatures=1, it is because the guy who created the fallujah map did not use v2 signatures to make his map, so everyone who uses the map has to use v1 signature verification.

it caused me quite a lot of headache before I went to the official forum topic and somewhere someone posted that the damn thing doesen't use v2 signatures. I was messing with my signature files for a good few hours before I found that it wasn't my fault at all...

Edited by dethica

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yeah, there is a reason why fallujah has verifysignatures=1, it is because the guy who created the fallujah map did not use v2 signatures to make his map, so everyone who uses the map has to use v1 signature verification.

it caused me quite a lot of headache before I went to the official forum topic and somewhere someone posted that the damn thing doesen't use v2 signatures. I was messing with my signature files for a good few hours before I found that it wasn't my fault at all...

one more newbie question :

i was looking to unbanned some vehicule (dayz_anim.pbo>config.bin>cfgvehicle), i know how to extract>decode file (i guess i just have to remove the line where the item is banned),

but i guess when i get my modified dayz_anim.pbo i have to sign it?

it is possible? how?

PS : i play fal for half an hour, i just got another minor bug, when i right clic on an item on my inventory, sometime a get an error (got zombie on my 12, so i clic fast on OK without reading :/),

but that didn't crash my game and i use my item right after without problem, that do this the first time on a bandage and i don't remember of the second.

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one more newbie question :

i was looking to unbanned some vehicule (dayz_anim.pbo>config.bin>cfgvehicle), i know how to extract>decode file (i guess i just have to remove the line where the item is banned),

but i guess when i get my modified dayz_anim.pbo i have to sign it?

it is possible? how?

PS : i play fal for half an hour, i just got another minor bug, when i right clic on an item on my inventory, sometime a get an error (got zombie on my 12, so i clic fast on OK without reading :/),

but that didn't crash my game and i use my item right after without problem, that do this the first time on a bandage and i don't remember of the second.

If you want to modify and sign files, you can use DSutils2 for that. There are tutorials on how to use those, just look in the official bistudio forums or google it.

The bug you mention is from itself, I believe. Nothing we can do about that, really.

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If you want to modify and sign files, you can use DSutils2 for that. There are tutorials on how to use those, just look in the official bistudio forums or google it.

The bug you mention is from itself, I believe. Nothing we can do about that, really.

ok, thanks again ;)

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Everything is set up like it should be.

I have done everything like the readme etc say.

i can log into the server. when i spawn it says incorrect version on server, if admin contact dayz staff.

how do you fix this? i used the installer and the files found on dethica/fallujah on github.

how do i fix this?

please assist.

Thank you. kind regards

NB/first time setting up server

this is a fallujah server

Edited by BollaZee

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Everything is set up like it should be.

I have done everything like the readme etc say.

i can log into the server. when i spawn it says incorrect version on server, if admin contact dayz staff.

how do you fix this? i used the installer and the files found on dethica/fallujah on github.

how do i fix this?

please assist.

Thank you. kind regards

NB/first time setting up server

this is a fallujah server

This may be caused by turning battle eye off in the server settings.

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Everything is set up like it should be.

I have done everything like the readme etc say.

i can log into the server. when i spawn it says incorrect version on server, if admin contact dayz staff.

how do you fix this? i used the installer and the files found on dethica/fallujah on github.

how do i fix this?

please assist.

Thank you. kind regards

NB/first time setting up server

this is a fallujah server

make sure you use the same @dayz_taki or @dayz_fal modfolder to launch the game and the server.

different/old versions might cause errors.

Edited by dethica

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i finally got it working! thanks dude! the new version fixed it! one question, isnt there suppose to be a lot more vehicles? theres only the ones from cheranus

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more to my question (sorry for double post) but in the mql files under object_data or object_spawns, it only has the chernarus vehicles. the vehicles are spawning in the right places in fallujah, just not all the extra vehicles. any way to get a file of those extra vehicles? thanks a lot man

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more to my question (sorry for double post) but in the mql files under object_data or object_spawns, it only has the chernarus vehicles. the vehicles are spawning in the right places in fallujah, just not all the extra vehicles. any way to get a file of those extra vehicles? thanks a lot man

this has been asked numerous times.

the extra vehicles are NOT a part of this pack.

the map is not very balanced as it is, with the airfield having so many barracks, one group could arm themselves to the teeth. having vehicles with machineguns on them would make it even worse.

however, I might add those in later, when I have the time to research them - modification of @dayz data files is required.

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my battleye is set to 1, the server starts up with battleye, its shows battleye 1.64, and i even zipped and downloaded the @dayz_fal and @fallujah1_2 from my server and joined the game with the exact same files, i have cleared character tables and still the same, i restored all tables, still the same, re installed everything, still the same, i have done everything possible, the db is accesable and has no errors, my rpt has no errors, the server launches fine and i join the game fine, when i click on oky i get the wrong version on server please contact dayz staff message, now i dont think they are going to assist me if i contact them

Edited by BollaZee

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if there is anyone that knows what they are doing and have the time assist me please do so, i wll set up ammy admin and you can check everything yourself.

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more to my question (sorry for double post) but in the mql files under object_data or object_spawns, it only has the chernarus vehicles. the vehicles are spawning in the right places in fallujah, just not all the extra vehicles. any way to get a file of those extra vehicles? thanks a lot man

working on it, you can ad some vehicle that arn't banned from dayz (the list),add them the table object_class and spawn following the template of those already in here (need to check for the "hitpoint")

for the other you need to modify the dayz file (that why i ask about how to sign file),

i already do it to replace some vehicle and weapon, but i didn't try to sign it and see if that work

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This is a waste of time, everything is exactly like dethica said it should be and its still not working.

i have done everything like it said i should.



Edited by BollaZee

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@bollazee, try to join your server and then dump your character_data into an sql file and post it here? right click character_data-dump sql...

also, post your beta patch number and the commandlines you use to start your game and server with

Edited by dethica

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im using everything you supplied, with latest battleye and latest beta patch, version 97678. the server launches with your supplied .bat. got exactly the same files on client than on server side.

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i joined, got the server version blah blah, while there i dumped the sql.


Navicat MySQL Data Transfer

Source Server : localhost_3316

Source Server Version : 50524

Source Host : localhost:3316

Source Database : hivemind

Target Server Type : MYSQL

Target Server Version : 50524

File Encoding : 65001

Date: 2012-10-05 17:55:37



-- ----------------------------

-- Table structure for `character_data`

-- ----------------------------

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_data`;

CREATE TABLE `character_data` (

`CharacterID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

`PlayerUID` varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

`Alive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',

`InstanceID` varchar(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

`Worldspace` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',

`Inventory` varchar(2048) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',

`Backpack` varchar(2048) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',

`Medical` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',

`Generation` smallint(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

`Datestamp` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,

`LastLogin` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,

`LastAte` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,

`LastDrank` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,

`Humanity` mediumint(6) DEFAULT NULL,

`KillsZ` mediumint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

`HeadshotsZ` mediumint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

`distanceFoot` bigint(15) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

`duration` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

`currentState` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',

`KillsH` mediumint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

`KillsB` mediumint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

`Model` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '"Survivor1_DZ"',

PRIMARY KEY (`CharacterID`)


-- ----------------------------

-- Records of character_data

-- ----------------------------

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command line is exactly like yours:

@echo off

SET timezonediff=-12

if not exist .\AddOns goto error_noaddons

tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq arma2oaserver.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "arma2oaserver.exe">NUL

if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto error_srvrunning

tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq mysqld.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "mysqld.exe">NUL

if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto start_spawn


echo starting MySQL server. waiting 10 seconds...

start /MIN /D.\MySQL\ MySQL.bat

ping -n 15 >NUL

tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq mysqld.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "mysqld.exe">NUL

if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" goto error_mysql1

.\MySQL\cecho {02} OK.{07}




echo executing spawn script...

.\MySQL\bin\mysql --user root --password=root --host= --port=3316 --database=hivemind --execute="call pMain()"

if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" goto error_mysql2

ping -n 2 >NUL

.\MySQL\cecho {02} OK.{07}



echo Starting server...

start .\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe -mod=@dayz_fal;@stats_fal;@fallujah1_2 -name=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server_fallujah.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg -profiles=cfgdayz -world=empty -maxMem=1024

if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" goto error_arma2oaserver

.\MySQL\cecho {02} OK.{07}



echo leaving launcher...

ping -n 4 >NUL



set errmsg=ERROR: ArmA 2 AddOns folder is missing

goto errorout


set errmsg=ERROR: ArmA 2 OA Server already running

goto errorout


set errmsg=ERROR: Could not start MySQL

goto errorout


set errmsg=ERROR: Could not execute spawn script

goto errorout


set errmsg=ERROR: Could not start ArmA 2 OA Server

goto errorout




echo %errmsg%




echo Press any key to close this window.

pause >nul


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