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Outsanding Admins on US 1 NY BTL Private Hive

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I just want it noted that the Admins on US 1 NY are attentive and stand up folk. There was a situation of accused hacking that was dealt with fairly.

I appreciated their willingness to talk and willingness to listen with me.

If you are looking for a decent private hive that is well maintained with admins in TS. I suggest checking out this server.


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I wasn't sure if this title was sarcastic or not. :P

What map is this server for? I'm looking around for some private Chernarus servers.

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I am serious.... and this is the sad state of DayZ.

Everyone assumes that at any given time, there is someone on the server who's ultimate goal is to grief others by cheating and ruining their gaming experince. All the hacking reminds me of a group of folk playing a board game and the one who is losing the most, flips the table over and says, "See I win".

The advantage in the above situation is you can beat down the guy who flips the table.

The Map: Chernarus

I have high hopes for the Stand Alone.

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I've killed many a zombie in this server. The players also tend to be a little less...killey.

Edited by AaronA

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