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Visibility Issues

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Hi everyone.

Tried to search for an answer with no luck...

I've got myself an AS50 AWS (which I found (two of acutally)) and having problems with visibility issues. I'm sitting about 800 metres (I think, on the range finder) south of Stary and waiting for players to run across the cross-hairs. The problem I'm having is details such as plants, bushes, players, etc... disappear at about 1000 metres and I cannot see further than this through the thermal scope. I have tried playing around with a few video settings but with no results. I've also tried increasing the "Visibility" option in the video settings with no luck but not sure if this is what I need... Is there maybe a limitation on this particular weapon or could it be the "weather" in the game or even a visual map limitation? Players come up bright white in the thermal scope but if they run away to the north (increasing the distance between them and me), they suddenly disappear... I thought it may be them running over the hill but it's not. They get about halfway up and then they're gone (alive for now...)

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated and as I said I found the gun and if you don't like others using it then boo hoo...

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It's TWS btw..

That's because it's a hacked weapon that isn't in DayZ. The last patch reduces it view distance so hackers won't use them anymore.

Edited by Enforcer

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Not all are hacked, it was in the game for a while before being removed. That is not to say that most aren't hacked, because they are, but some (very few) are legit.

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Not all are hacked, it was in the game for a while before being removed. That is not to say that most aren't hacked, because they are, but some (very few) are legit.

Chances that there are stil legit ones out there are tending to zero. FYI. Every day i have a couple of players joining with an AS 50 TWS....once.

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