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Conversion of Ammo.

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I have searched the forum and have come up short in finding this anywhere.

if it is please don't flame me lol.

Ok I know that you can convert .45 in revolver and 1911 mags.

I think it should be possible to convert all the 9mm mags also for use in all of the 9mm weapons. I know that the PDW can take all mags be it SMG or Pistol, and that g17 can use m9 mags

What I'm trying to get at is if you can strip a 9mm round out of any mag and convert it to a newer mag type.

This could be the same for 5.56 stanag mags and 200 round cases for SAW. I don't know how many times I have come across M249 box 200 rounds and not need them as looking for stanag.

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There should be no 100% conversion.

First we should have a magazine that is accepted by the weapon...If i had 10 full glock 17 mags, a full PDW mag and a PDW all i would have is a PDW with a full mag and 170 x spare bullets and 10 empty G17 mags.

I'd like it too if you could take a belt apart and use it...if you have the mags for the gun.

Edited by Enforcer

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