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In regards to Server: North Carolina 3

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So a friend and I have spent the last while actually playing it SAFE, checking our corners, and all those different safety phrases.. And we had accumulated quite a bit of gear, I being equipped with an AS50, M9SD, NVG, Rangefinders, GPS, Toolbox, etc, pretty much everything, and him with an M4A1 CCO SD, and all the same gear, luckily we did not die BUT, when the HACKER rolled through spawning rockets onto player locations, we were fortunate to avoid the mess, but unfortunately, our truck wasn't so lucky.. Our truck stockpiled with 40+ Stanag, 20+ Stanag SD, 5 M107 Rnds, 15+ Cooked meat, some morphine, some Blood bags, some painkillers, 10-20 Drinks, Tires, Fueltank parts, Engine Parts, Windshields, Jerry Cans, and all in one swift motion, a nice old rocket comes screaming down(4-6 of them) pelleting the area and destroying our truck completely..

To sum up the reaction, I'll put this simply.. What the fuck.

EXTREMELY upsetting, I ranted about getting killed by some clowns because I tried to be friendly, and that's done and over, but this, is fucking stupid. Too much time was put in that to not request something back, I don't know if it's possible, but I feel EXTREMELY gipped right now. I was ready to up and quit this game earlier this week, then stuff started going the right way for us for once, and then, boom. Done. Over. Stuck in the NORTHERN Wilderness, in the middle of nowhere with a 30min+ run to ANY civilization(That being the NW Airfield, which isn't even close to safe..), and I don't see any redeeming factor on why I should continue to play this game.. The game, is GREAT, I love it, it's the first thing that's been able to hold my attention for the past 6 or so months, but the community, and the exploits, and the server hopping, and disconnecting in firefights, is all just beginning to outweigh what I love about this game, originally it was, Oh Rocket, you've created a great game and how you have to think about it when you play(Conscious decisions and whatnot + the paranoia etc, and don't think I'm saying it's a bad game, but I shall continue), but it's turned into, hmm, a guy nearby, I guess I'll shoot at him to make him log out to another server so I can get to safety, sounds good. It's just ridiculous. I love the game, hate the community(The bulk of it at least), and am thoroughly upset with it at the moment.

As I said before, simply put.. What the fuck.


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no piont posting anything on the forums because no one helps and nothing works


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"no piont posting anything on the forums because no one helps and nothing works", ah,,,, so negative.


Why don't you contact the server admins.

Others have done so with positive results.

This is a fine example, it happened over the past 24 hrs.


This is far from the only case.

The hackers have been identified will be added to the ban list, if it is not done so already.

Try to formulate your post a little more clearly, it helps a great deal.


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