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Flashlight idea

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Hey all i know this is a relatively small idea but it occurred to me while playing a night server little earlier on that if you don't have NVG's then night servers suck and you cant use flashlight because when you move faster it shakes around like a bitch and you cant see a fucking thing , So what i am proposing is like a flashlight that is hooked on your chest so that when you are moving there is less shaking and you can see more, you could make it as a separate item to find or something I don't know but the idea is there so leave me comments and tell me what you think.

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They already have this on the Lingor maps. I think it goes on your shoulder.

I tried this method with my military flash light on a lingor island map nut got kicked by Battleye with the Script restriction # 20 or sumthin every time.

Edited by Bonehead3535

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Yes, BattleEye kicks people for doing so.

Thanks, in game anti cheat.

Anywho, I actually rather enjoy the light jumping all over the place. Adds to the fear and paranoia of the dark countryside.

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Yes, BattleEye kicks people for doing so.

Thanks, in game anti cheat.

Anywho, I actually rather enjoy the light jumping all over the place. Adds to the fear and paranoia of the dark countryside.

it doesnt make sense irl. I dont run with my hands shaking that much. I'll just point the flash light into the direction im facing while running.

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i understand that some people want the traditional flashlight how it is but other people would like the idea and by the sounds of it the light in lingor is pretty unstable

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