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DunGoofed - Box Spawning

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Seems I found a guy twice who attempted to attack our group as we moved from Prigordiki to Elecktro. I had killed him first in the forest in Prigordiki where he died with 2 Mk 48 Mod 0, and a AS50 Anti-Material Rifle. A few moments later, I heard more gunshots towards the vicinity of the beach, where a part of our group was, DunGoofed was again shot down by our group of 4 or so people. I searched his body to discover he had spawned with a DMR and NVG Goggles. The evidence provided in these screenshots:


And shortly after, found the box:


As our group then approached Elecktro on the shore, I spotted the player and got confirmation of the name and his use of the box:


And the proof of his weapons he took from there once more:


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Thanks for being so clear with your report. Nice amount of evidence provided + clear screen shots.

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It seems to intimidate people for some reason when I talk in chat. "Anyone want to team up?", "Why would we team up with a guy with Bandit in his name?" XD

Ive tried to explain to people Im only a harmful bandit on the east side of Chenarus, but it doesnt seem to work out too well.

Well he was really stupid about it, considering he did it 3 times, though I dont have the screenshot of the first one. Anyhow thanks!

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