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New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

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Haha thought you might to want to use this as a promo vid :P

I would like to join. I've been looking for a good clan and from past meet up experience, this may be a good one.

Works well sense it is in russia... right, I think so. Anyways definitely doing that!

Same with creating the clan on it!

Welcome to the herd!

Anyways guys be sure to leave suggestions and what not, donation link, only 1 dollar, i dont want a lot of 1 cents costing me money so if you really want to donate more just do it again.

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We wont be having teamspeak or mumble for awhile but except it. the server is up and join at will.

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We wont be having teamspeak or mumble for awhile but except it. the server is up and join at will.

I shall speak to our TS admin, see if they will lend you a chat room in the mean time till you get yours sorted

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Im going to wait till our first real meet up to find out around how many slots i need and how many people will actually end up coming. I'm guessing thats going to be the weekend.

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Hey I'll join, I've been alive for while now and I figure it would be a nice change to have some real teammates to travel with for once

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Hey I'll join, I've been alive for while now and I figure it would be a nice change to have some real teammates to travel with for once

Have you read the description of the clan on the first page??

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Have you read the description of the clan on the first page??

Sure the requirements/rules, goals, the classes, safety rules, clan wars all that looks really reasonable to me. Plus, I think I may be able to pass as Unicorn support with the supplies I have on hand now haha.

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Sure the requirements/rules, goals, the classes, safety rules, clan wars all that looks really reasonable to me. Plus, I think I may be able to pass as Unicorn support with the supplies I have on hand now haha.

Excellent a unicorn hazah! I personally love sniping, if we ever have clan battles I could be neutral so teams don't assume bias. Snipering 30 people is some serious game, unless a team bans it sad face. Name has been added, welcome!

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A few people had problems with the front page being jumbled badly because they zoomed in, which is reasonable so I changed it to make it a bit more user friendly. By user friendly I mean everyone can view it normally now, almost

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Hope to see you all in game today, the amount of people that come out of the amount that enlisted will determine either I get mumble or not. If you don't come it simply means that it is not worth get, and that does not mean I will be keeping donations to myself, if we do I will still get it. Chat will happen in a EFS chatroom, no talking but we will be able to communicate over the entire map. Still need the IP in order to join the chat room though, but we will get that, I hope.

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hey, i was brought here by WilliamCowden on youtube, and i've checked out the main page, it seems interesting, though i'm sceptical of joining, since i'm so used to lone wolfing it in Dayz, among other games w/o a clan for back up. for what i have of the hive server account, i have a heavily suited unicorn (class) character.. but i tend to be a jack of all trades cause of my history. i'm good at assault, sniping, or driving, both defencive and offensive. i have trained using arma II's armoury mode with some vehicles in Dayz, namely the helicopter among other crafts. driving is simple, and i can use it as a basic weapon if i have mass.. i also have excellent hearing and observation, but my short coming is patients. i don't like staying anywhere too long, i get ancy, feel like i'm being watched, so i'm on the move alot, and sometimes i miss something important. also, i'm cursed with the map, and everytime i find it, it's a omen of my imment death... i don't joke on that.. i'm 2 for 2 on that now... in any case, i'm on the fence with joining as i said, but.. we'll see

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Doesn't look like we are having a meeting this weekend, if you came because you saw a post on the forum I would suggest you still check out the teamspeak channel just incase.

Edit: Sorry Internet fluke, thought it didn't post.

Edited by Gandrew

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hey, i was brought here by WilliamCowden on youtube, and i've checked out the main page, it seems interesting, though i'm sceptical of joining, since i'm so used to lone wolfing it in Dayz, among other games w/o a clan for back up. for what i have of the hive server account, i have a heavily suited unicorn (class) character.. but i tend to be a jack of all trades cause of my history. i'm good at assault, sniping, or driving, both defencive and offensive. i have trained using arma II's armoury mode with some vehicles in Dayz, namely the helicopter among other crafts. driving is simple, and i can use it as a basic weapon if i have mass.. i also have excellent hearing and observation, but my short coming is patients. i don't like staying anywhere too long, i get ancy, feel like i'm being watched, so i'm on the move alot, and sometimes i miss something important. also, i'm cursed with the map, and everytime i find it, it's a omen of my imment death... i don't joke on that.. i'm 2 for 2 on that now... in any case, i'm on the fence with joining as i said, but.. we'll see

Excellent I'll put you in immediately, Don't show up, don't matter right? Anyways doesn't look like we're playing this weekend but If you come because of the posts try anyway.

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I was hoping to get both the clans together this weekend, i will be hosting the Brony meetup but i will have spare time to get us all together and getting some game time done, let me know if you can gather some people together.

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Ooh, a brony clan on dayz, i was linked here from youtube, and i would like to fill the role of pegasi mechanic if its available

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Excellent, I will put your name up, hope you guys have fun this weekend. My game still won't work. Been trying to fix it all week, re-installed and now I am getting bad serial code and every method isn't working.

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Excellent, I will put your name up, hope you guys have fun this weekend. My game still won't work. Been trying to fix it all week, re-installed and now I am getting bad serial code and every method isn't working.

Did you run ARMA 2 OA before you ran DayZ?? i forgot to do that on my last re-install and i kept getting the bad serial reference, also im going to have to mail you new server details as we switched to a private Viylair server for Fallujah

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Again, so much planning for the gala this weekend...


Such a cruel world...

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hey guys, i might not be able to join in on the fun for a while now :I when i use Dayz Commander, i've been getting pings well over 500 in almost all servers, even empty ones, i don't know what's happening, but i guess i can't play for a while :I


guess it must of been just a busy time :I ignore what i just said.. i'll try to join soon.. when it's day light again ( almost never plays at night..)

second edit**

where is the server ? i'm looking, it's not up D:

Edited by Inumaru

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