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*Exile* Sami

Brand New Private Hive with a little RP elements! Calling all Clans, lone wolves, and survivors of the wasteland

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We have a brand new Vilayer Chernarus private hive with password protection server up and running and are looking for mature like minded individuals to come join us! The server settings are resets 3 times a day, Veteran diff: 3D on, CH: on, and death messages: on with 30 vehicles including 3 helicopters. We would like to do a little Role Playing within the server including a trading post we have set up in Cherno where we hope to have friendly weapons free trading, Fight Night at the Colosseum where players can bet on fighters, and Rally Racing at the Strip. These events will be for ALL server members where they can enjoy the spectacles in a cease fire, friendly atmosphere. Josh and myself are VERY active admins that are always easy to get a hold of and work hard to ensure that everyone's experience is as smooth as possible. We would like to invite clans of around 5 members or less, lone wolves and survivors that are looking to make a name for themselves in this unforgiving land. We (admins) also plan on sending out "S.O.S" transmissions across global chat describing search and rescue helicopter crash sites giving all a chance to investigate. We really want to go all out with this server to make your Dayz story one that you won't soon forget.

Please feel free to contact us with a little information about you (Clans members, please have your clan leader contact us) such as your age, play style, and what you want out of your Dayz experience and any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you all soon and getting you up and running on a server you can finally put your mind to rest regarding script kiddies.

*** The application process will include a private call via Skype with both admins to gather more information for "white listing" you into the server

Please feel free to contact myself or Josh (Killaspree28) with any questions, comments or concerns.

Quoted From - Max

Original Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...-the-wasteland/

Edited by samirocks24

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I approve this post. Server is getting interesting fast! So nice to not be hacked anymore and play a legit server! By the way Sam, thanks for killing me earlier :P

Edited by Killaspree

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