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What should I upgrade on my PC to get DayZ working good?

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Hey guys, I was just wondering what I should get upgraded on my PC to make it run better with ARMA 2 DayZ mod.

Here are my Specs so far:

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition V.2002 Service Pack 3

AMD Sempron 140 Processor

2.71 GHz

1.75 GB of RAM

So can someone tell me what I should get upgraded? :)


EDIT: I said what I should upgrade, not to blow it up, or get a new computer. Unfortunately I don't have that option.

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First, I would start with getting more RAM. I would suggest AT LEAST 4 gb. I wouldn't go over 8 gb or you're wasting your money, RAM isn't a huge importance in gaming, but less than 4 and you're not going to run it well.

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Gj' pid='104295' dateline='1339644932']

Um i would just blow that computer up....Then build a brand new one :)

Agreed. Get more RAM, at least 4 GB, no more than 8. Then get a new processor. lol With the way that everything is looking right now, I would probably go grab a good graphics card as well. Lol

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ARMA isn't very RAM hungry, 2GB will be fine at a stretch

the problem is the ancient CPU and the lack of GPU

new computer? new computer

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First' date=' I would start with getting more RAM. I would suggest AT LEAST 4 gb. I wouldn't go over 8 gb or you're wasting your money, RAM isn't a huge importance in gaming, but less than 4 and you're not going to run it well.


Alright, thanks! Is there any other things I should upgrade too? I'm sure I can get 4 GB of RAM for pretty cheap, so any other tips?

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ARMA isn't very RAM hungry' date=' 2GB will be fine at a stretch

the problem is the ancient CPU and the lack of GPU

new computer? new computer


I would still suggest at least 4. Let's face it, this person isn't just going to play ARMA.

Anyway, I would mainly focus on your RAM, processor, graphics card, just stuff like that. I would recommend an ASUS if you have the money. I have an ASUS laptop that can run ArmA like it's nothing, as well as pretty much any other game. They aren't that expensive either (for being powerful gaming computers). Anyway, I would strongly suggest just getting a new computer/laptop. The one that you have right now is pretty old.

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ARMA isn't very RAM hungry' date=' 2GB will be fine at a stretch

the problem is the ancient CPU and the lack of GPU

new computer? new computer


I would still suggest at least 4. Let's face it, this person isn't just going to play ARMA.

Anyway, I would mainly focus on your RAM, processor, graphics card, just stuff like that. I would recommend an ASUS if you have the money. I have an ASUS laptop that can run ArmA like it's nothing, as well as pretty much any other game. They aren't that expensive either (for being powerful gaming computers). Anyway, I would strongly suggest just getting a new computer/laptop. The one that you have right now is pretty old.

I really prefer desktops over Laptops, but I'll surely look at them.

I found a desktop, but I can't find the price? Can you help me find it? http://ca.asus.com/en/Desktop/Gaming/Essentio_CG1330/#overview

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Ya, build a new computer. Thats not going to be able to run anything. If you have a case and a SATA HD, you can reuse those... but other than that you're going to want all new/semi-new components.

I found a desktop' date=' but I can't find the price? Can you help me find it? http://ca.asus.com/en/Desktop/Gaming/Essentio_CG1330/#overview


ASUS doesn't sell directly, you are going to have to find a dealer.

Try http://www.newegg.com/

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I'm really tired of this. Instead of asking "what should I buy so I can play this game", why don't you fools ask "what kind of computer should I invest in"? A computer is a fucking investment, not just some tool to play games with.

It's like asking "what car should I buy so I can go racing on Saturday?"

Edit: And it's WELL. What should I upgrade on my PC to get DayZ working WELL.

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ARMA isn't very RAM hungry' date=' 2GB will be fine at a stretch

the problem is the ancient CPU and the lack of GPU

new computer? new computer


I would still suggest at least 4. Let's face it, this person isn't just going to play ARMA.

Anyway, I would mainly focus on your RAM, processor, graphics card, just stuff like that. I would recommend an ASUS if you have the money. I have an ASUS laptop that can run ArmA like it's nothing, as well as pretty much any other game. They aren't that expensive either (for being powerful gaming computers). Anyway, I would strongly suggest just getting a new computer/laptop. The one that you have right now is pretty old.

I really prefer desktops over Laptops, but I'll surely look at them.

I found a desktop, but I can't find the price? Can you help me find it? http://ca.asus.com/en/Desktop/Gaming/Essentio_CG1330/#overview

Well, I can't seem to find a price on it anywhere, but I would say that it could cost anywhere between $600 and $1400, not including the price of the monitor (could be stretching it a bit. However, my laptop cost me about $1300).

I'm really tired of this. Instead of asking "what should I buy so I can play this game"' date=' why don't you fools ask "what kind of computer should I [i']invest in"? A computer is a fucking investment, not just some tool to play games with.

It's like asking "what car should I buy so I can go racing on Saturday?"

Edit: And it's WELL. What should I upgrade on my PC to get DayZ working WELL.

Don't be one of those guys...please. -_-

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I'm really tired of this. Instead of asking "what should I buy so I can play this game"' date=' why don't you fools ask "what kind of computer should I [i']invest in"? A computer is a fucking investment, not just some tool to play games with.

It's like asking "what car should I buy so I can go racing on Saturday?"

Edit: And it's WELL. What should I upgrade on my PC to get DayZ working WELL.

Don't be one of those guys...please. -_-

Man, every time I join a game and go on the forums, there's always someone asking about "what new computer should I buy for this game". I wish I had the disposable income to just buy a new computer whenever I feel like it, or to buy one specifically for a game. Just one of those things...

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I'm really tired of this. Instead of asking "what should I buy so I can play this game"' date=' why don't you fools ask "what kind of computer should I [i']invest in"? A computer is a fucking investment, not just some tool to play games with.

It's like asking "what car should I buy so I can go racing on Saturday?"

Edit: And it's WELL. What should I upgrade on my PC to get DayZ working WELL.

Don't be one of those guys...please. -_-

Man, every time I join a game and go on the forums, there's always someone asking about "what new computer should I buy for this game". I wish I had the disposable income to just buy a new computer whenever I feel like it, or to buy one specifically for a game. Just one of those things...

Lol I get it, but I would advise just ignoring it.

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Obviously all of you guys are all blind except Chimera. Like I said, I don't have the option to buy a new computer. I don't have a job, ok? Read my whole post please, then reply.

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working GOOD?!?!

....working WELL!!

AGH! WORKING WELL!!! ARRRGHGHGHHHH!!! *face into wall*

....sorry...I'm okay now....I think...the pills help. ^^

Sadly, if your PC is as old as I think it is, you will want to work from scratch. It may not be, but XP and no 1.75gb of RAM is an indicator that it's old by PC standards. I know you can't afford it, but you're sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place there. You can slowly get the components, but you need a lot...like...a LOT of work done.

But like others have said: DayZ is less about RAM and more about having a solid CPU and GPU. My CPU isn't exactly old and it's having a hard time keeping up.

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Obviously all of you guys are all blind except Chimera. Like I said' date=' I don't have the option to buy a new computer. I don't have a job, ok? Read my whole post please, then reply.


Google is your friend

Also, if you don't have a job why invest in a gaming rig? Why are you playing games without a job?

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ARMA isn't very RAM hungry' date=' 2GB will be fine at a stretch

the problem is the ancient CPU and the lack of GPU

new computer? new computer


I would still suggest at least 4. Let's face it, this person isn't just going to play ARMA.

Anyway, I would mainly focus on your RAM, processor, graphics card, just stuff like that. I would recommend an ASUS if you have the money. I have an ASUS laptop that can run ArmA like it's nothing, as well as pretty much any other game. They aren't that expensive either (for being powerful gaming computers). Anyway, I would strongly suggest just getting a new computer/laptop. The one that you have right now is pretty old.

Unless you absolutely need the mobility (i.e. you're a student or travel a lot for work) desktops are the way to go. A desktop is about as powerful (if not more so) than a gaming laptop 3 times the price.

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upgrade the cpu, motherboard, videocard, graphics card, ram..

With just a single upgrade or two, isn't going to cut it with this game.

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If you do decide on being able to get a brand new computer, building a desktop is usually much cheaper than buying pre-built since you dont pay for brand or assembly and get exactly what you want. Find a friend or somebody to help you and it could save you a lot.

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definitely the CPU, go for a quad core if you can. more ram wouldn't be too bad either.

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Your PC is ancient. I'm not bragging, I'm stating - and Publik is right, do not buy a PC for one game. Buy something thats future proof. There is no point spending $100 right now on fixing one part, when soon you'll have to spend $600-$1000 on a new tower anyway. The motherboard is old, the CPU is old, the ram is likely DDR2 and you'll wind up inadvertently buying DDR3 which will wind up not working on your old motherboard etc etc.

Have a friend put together a build for you. Or a forum, or this forum, whatever, but make sure you get something worth having. Just by your title I cringed, "HOW MAKE STUFF WERK GOOD?!" shows you're not exactly proficient with these things - thats fine, not everyone is proficient with PC's, but that doesn't mean you have to use a steaming pile of wank to game on and use on a day to day basis. Get help for it, get a PC you'll be happy with for a couple years, instead of upgrading an abortion time and time again.

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Hey guys' date=' I was just wondering what I should get upgraded on my PC to make it run better with ARMA 2 DayZ mod.

Here are my Specs so far:

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition V.2002 Service Pack 3

AMD Sempron 140 Processor

2.71 GHz

1.75 GB of RAM

So can someone tell me what I should get upgraded? :)


EDIT: I said what I should upgrade, not to blow it up, or get a new computer. Unfortunately I don't have that option.


Honestly, if you don't already own Arma 2 to know how your current computer performs you might as well download Arma 2: Free and see, but in all likely hood it probably wont run well at all in which case an upgrade or two probably wont cut it.

You do want a better CPU, and in upgrading your processor you'll need a new motherboard to support it, which also means new ram because the motherboard probably wont support your old ram, and you want a decent video card. At that point due to the domino effect you already have yourself a new computer, might as well get a decent case and power supply if you cant re-use your current case and PSU.

You can salvage your hard drive(s) and disc drive(s) at least, like I did with my recent build, but only if your drives are SATA, or your new motherboard supports the older IDE drives.

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Depends on how good you want to run ArmaII as well, what's your definition of working good?

I'm still tweaking, but for me, its 60+fps at 1920x1080. I get about 30fps at 1920 3d resolution with things on high (no post proc or AA) when overlooking Cherno. Jumps around 50-70 otherwise. Would love a nice stable 60+ across the board though.

Weird thing is I can triple-head at 5980x1080 and get 20-25fps in Chern and about 35-45 elsewhere.

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Alright, these tips are all good. My birthday just passed, and my dad said he'd chip in some extra cash for the computer. :) This has helped me a lot guys, thanks.

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