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My cd-Key is in use by someone else

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i was playing dayz for about a week at about 10fps wich i was fine about cus i have a crap pc .

i asked in chat if there was anyway to reduce lag the someone put a link so i copied it then downloaded an exe i asked in chat again "will the defienly fix my lagg" he replies "yes...lol" so i rna the exe nothing seemed to happen then i got kiced of the server sayin global ban so i tried another server same result i then reinstalld arma2oa and it worked only to find out that my charecter has an akm and a ton of good stuff witch i didnt get so im liek ok this is good free items i play for an hour log in the fire station in cherno the next time i log in im in the middle of teh forest at a camp.

i did some reseacrha nd it turns out someone has taken my cdkey and has sold it to someone who is also using it

additnal info:

i bought the game through steam

i need a way to get a new cd key or somethign but i dont want to pay cus i already did!

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