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Steak and Potatoes

My bean donation list as I am out to fast in a day

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The post of purpose... I have seen post's the past few days that literally bring tears to my eyes as I laugh so hard I have to piss and I need more beans to give to this fantastic gentlemen so here is my donation list if you like sarcasm and manners combined these gents deserve it

Inception keep it up

Max Plank obvious limerick genius

Hestaine I cant drink a full glass of water before reading ur posts ill piss myself

Derpy_Hooves just a bad ass

Zombie Jesus you know the way to my heart

DemonGroover the night rider remember him when you look at the nights sky

terrex words of wisdom

all those missed I will find you soon

Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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beans beans beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you loot, the more you loot the better you feel, throw beans from chernanrus in every meal

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I hereby donate my beans to the above too. They always cheer me up!

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Thank you Fraggle It is a can food drive for sure all cans help the cause of donations to these hilarious gentlemen

in addition add those you think deserve a bean donation for keeping that frown upside down :)

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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