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Script Restriction #87?

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I've just started a new server and am getting kicked every time for Script Restriction #87

Any ideas?


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That means it's time to shut it down. Sorry! :(


seriously though. For anyone else looking this up, the numbers don't always lead to the same thing.

It depends on where the restriction is in your scripts.txt. The easiest way to figure out what happened

is to plop open scripts.log and find the line where it removed you from the server. It'll look like this:

21.09.2012 06:29:10: xxxx (xxx.xx.xxx.xx:2304) fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff - #122 "private ['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'onload'] call compile preprocessfile '\ca\ui\scripts\server_interface.sqf';"

#122 is what this player saw as they were kicked with the reasoning to the right of it.

Edited by CheeseMelon

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My log says this:

22.09.2012 02:09:34: xxxx (xxx.xx.xx.xx:2304) ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff - #87 "eh];

waitUntil{((vehicle _this) != _this)};

sleep 1;

_unit setCaptive true;

_unit setVariable ["NORRN_unconscious", true, true];"

22.09.2012 02:13:17: xxxx (xxx.xx.xx.xx:2304) ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff - #85 "rJIPrequestcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPrequest.sqf')"

22.09.2012 02:13:17: xxxx (xxx.xx.xx.xx:2304) ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff - #84 "rJIPexeccode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPexec.sqf')"

22.09.2012 02:13:17: xxxx (xxx.xx.xx.xx:2304) ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff - #19 "renablesimulation = 'enablesimulation'"

22.09.2012 02:13:17: xxxx (xxx.xx.xx.xx:2304) ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff - #19 "renablesimulationcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'enablesimulation.sqf')"

22.09.2012 02:13:17: xxxx (xxx.xx.xx.xx:2304) ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff - #29 "n server_characterSync};

I can get on other servers ok though............ the odd thing is, this is the 2nd server I have running and all the Battleye stuff is copied from my 1st one (which I can join ok)

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Fixed by downloading Dwarden's scripts.txt

Still very odd though as the scripts.txt that was kicking me was an exact copy of the one from my other server that was fine...... :/

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