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Banned as soon as i die

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i was playing on a server and out of no where we all were getting killed from some little script kiddie after being killed i tried to log back in to the server and now its saying i've been banned! but i've only been banned from that server i know there are a lot more servers but still it's bullcrap knowing some little script kiddie can come into a room and cause so many problems for the rest of us anyone else ever have this problem? thanks.

Edited by fullyloaded

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Maybe because the server admins saw you had a hacked weapon, or gear, or maybe they didn't like you?

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Some Admins might ban everyone on a server once a hacker is on it and then later on start unbanning the innocent ones to narrow it down on the hacker. This shall prevent the hacker to keep rampaging until they could find the proof who it was which might take an hour or more in complicated cases where you have to check and compare several logs.

This might have been the case here.

I can understand the motives behind such a mass-ban, but It hink it's a bit too much. I always screenshot the playerlist and restart the server when a hacker is reported. Then I try to figure out who it was to ban him instead of handing out a ban to everyone and then unban the innocent ones.

Just contact the server admin and tell him your case. They might also appreciate infos about that hacker guy as it might help them identyfing him.

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