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Now what?

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So I found and repaired a UAZ, raided the airfield a couple times, have NVGs, AS50, tons of food in a hidden tent... What do I do now? Should I start looking for a squad? Or should I start helping freshly spawned players along the coast? I mean, I can always go back to the airfield and get better guns but... If you have no one to shoot, what's the point? I would love some advice. Thanks!

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honestly, your best bet is find a group to people to run with. if you die, you have to start all over again, so might as well have some people to help you out with it. as for helping people along the coast, remember that the second they get ahold of a weapon, the could shoot you.

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The game is what you make of it. Do whatever you want. Hunt down and kill people, help them if you want. There are the Medics they can always use a hand. Play on a lingor server a new map with new challenges and ALOT more Zombies, or if you want eve harder The Vilayer takistan Servers are brutal. Keep in mind going to those is essentially starting over.

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hehe i did the helping coastals out. First group shot at me then called Cease fire (Which was awesome when they shot me then realized I'd give them a ride) Second group. Soon as I showed up (Three of them) I gave them all guns (Common stuff) Someone gunned all of us down. I knew it would happen but meh. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Getting really really hard to. Though the first guys that shot at me then I came back for them stopped dead in their tracks when I got out of the car to cover them with my Mod 0...

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Wow thanks for the advice guys, I was expecting replies from sarcastic 12 year olds! I guess I'l start looking for a team then!

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Do whatever you want that's the beauty of dayz. No answer would be wrong.

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I like stalking people.. just see for how long I can follow them without them knowing XD

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What ever gets your adrenaline going? make life difficult for yourself somehow.... or smoke weed lie in the grass watching the clouds.. whatever really

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Wow thanks for the advice guys, I was expecting replies from sarcastic 12 year olds! I guess I'l start looking for a team then!

Personally if you like helping folks. Find a sniper you can trust to cover you while you hide near the coast to help. So if the noob you are helping turns feral on you, they catch a bullet to the fayse.

I have a hero skin on public hive I help folks when I can...more often then not the guy covering me has to put bullets in them though...its sad really.

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This is my list

[X] Get gear and AS50

[X] Create Squad

[ ] Make Squad Campsite

[ ] Go round as a badass squad making youtube videos getting vechiles and shooting shit

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