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Poll: Do you play at night?

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The night is great for me mainly because lots of people just refuse to even try playing in it. More loot for me. :) yeah it's harder in some ways but you adapt. People always talk about NEVER use flares at night, etc.. But no, sometimes flares can be a nice distraction. Green or blue chemlights are decent enough light without being too easy to spot..must be ready to drop them and run if you need to

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I try if I can to not play at night but if it turns into night I wont switch server but I might leave the game if I'm anywhere near a high risk area. Right now if I play during night I use road flares, holding them if I need to travel somewhere (only if I feel safe from people, and I always drop them before my character stops so I wont be an easy target in the middle of the light), and I throw them around if I want to sneak into a small town etc. I feel that it works pretty well.

I've heard people say that chemlights can be a good light source at night but I've tried them on several occasions they only seem to light up about one or two square meter. An entire pack of chemlights wont even light up close to half a single road flare. If someone could explain the use for these I would be very grateful.

Finally, is there any reasonable way to "counter" NVGs? I just got killed by someone using nvgs. I just don't know how to prevent something like that from happening. I suppose the answer is simple, don't do risky stuff during the night unless you have nvgs, but I would love to hear some tips if there are any good ones out there.

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Night is more fun to play. Sadly' date=' there are never that many people on them because everyone is afraid of the dark and do not know how to use the tools they have been given to combat it...


I dont mind playing in the darkness, although when my friends come on at a night time they usually prefer to play in the US servers so they see the sun. There i one problem with night time though on a few servers. I've noticed that some servers actually have their settings too dark so even adjusting the obvious like brightness and gama doesnt fix this overwhelming darkness. No one wants to play in absolute pitch black where they cannot see the gun infront of their face. So one this is fixed and there is a "brightness" all servers agree on i think there will be alot more people venturing out into the night. But as for me, i like the dark, makes me less visible :) but if i cant play the game properly in a server then i'll simply move to another.


That's not the servers having custom settings. Whenever there's no moon now, it'll be PITCH BLACK. This all due to the new Beta patch for Arma 2 (93616 and up, i believe) where they tweaked tone mapping for the worse.

ahh that makes sense.. :(

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If id have nvgs, viewfinder or a weapon with nvg id play at night. you will just get owned by someone that has one of these things otherwise... game just isnt balanced at night...

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Got no NVG so no, it's pointless. I could use the flashlight or drop road flares, but that's like begging everyone else on the server to go and shoot you

Night is too dark without any light sources

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sometimes i play on night servers if its a full moon out because you can actually see pretty well, and there's hardly ever anybody on the nighttime servers, so i can run thru cities with almost no problems

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The new beta patch today added a moonintensity command. Do you think this will open up nighttime play possibilites?

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I work nights so I don't play during the nighttime. Even on my nights off I usually end up staying up until the late evening then sleeping through most of the night, it's nice to sleep in the dark every once in a while.

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I used to only play during the day, or very bright nights, but this was before I understood how the lighting is attached to time.

4:00 AM - ~8:00 PM = Day

~8:00 PM - ~Midnight = Dark as f***

Midnight - 4:00 AM = Moon starts coming out, gets brighter until 4, when the sun comes out.

Now I play on almost purely night-time servers, and the only time I look for new servers is when my framerate is low. I die significantly less at night, and I've trained my eye to see changes in lighting better than before, as well as use the horizon-line to see movement.

It's scary to play at night because of zombies and the occasional NVG bandit, but for me... it's far scarier being exposed in the light.

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