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Poll: Do you play at night?

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They need to strike a balance between realism and gameplay. Making the nights realistically (or as some say unrealistically) dark impedes gameplay drastically.

I think it's reasonable not to have the kind of "Daylight" light levels that the old full moon used to bring but having Sky + Pitch black horizon is going a little too far in the other direction.

Somwhere in the middle of the road is where we need to be. Where night time is dark enough to be challening but not light enough to make flares / chem lights / flashlights useless.

As it stands now, I'm not too fussed about these "too dark" nights, I've learned to adapt and work with it (and I feel much safer knowing only those with NVG are going to be able to spot me while I go about my business)

One last thing... Ever try to ride the push bike at night? I found one near Olsha last night, freewheeling down the hill in pitch black was terrifying XD

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<- Loves pitch black nights.

Once you see silhouettes of zombies walking at the horizon or use flashlights/flares in forrests to find your way, you will recognize a complete different DayZ atmosphere. An Atmosphere daylight could NEVER give you.

There are plenty of items exactly to combat the night. Flares' date=' chemlights and flashlights that are readily available for anyone. You even spawn with some flares to get you started.

The night is not too dark if you use them. However, if you choose to make the night too dark for yourself, then the problem is something different than night being too dark.


You Sir fully grasped the true Problem with the night.

"NIGHT IS TOO DAMN DA......Oh wait whats that lying around? JESUS! NIGHT IS TOO DAMN BRIGHT!"

Only real issue is the Gamma thing. But as far as I can see it has/will be fixed soon, so everyone has the same visual conditions.

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sometimes, I like when the night is clear and the moonlight illuminates everything you get that effect where its like watching a black and white movie. for a 4 or so year old engine the lighting effects are really good in arma.

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sometimes' date=' I like when the night is clear and the moonlight illuminates everything you get that effect where its like watching a black and white movie. for a 5 or so year old engine the lighting effects are really good in arma.


These nights were too bright, the new beta patch eliminates the "black and white" nights and rightly so.

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I think lots of poeple who complains about nights haven't played enough during night time , and also have not spent enough time outside at night in the country. you know when you are away from any major town and there is a cloudy sky , it can get very dark.

ARMA simulates the night quite well IMO , some night are very dark , but most of the time it's OK and you can see at a few tenths of meters without light.

Also you should learn to use flare to light your way. Of course don't throw them were you are going or keep them near you, throw them far so you can see how the situation is before going in and it will eventually light up anyone trying to get near you , while you stay hidden in the shadows.

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I have a car' date=' and a flashlight. What else do i need?


A man / woman (take your pick) to hold you and keep you warm at night *nods*

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who cares what the time of day is, i just click on a server and play if its to dark aka sunlight is hitting my screen ill turn the gamma and brightness up a bit works like a charm! i can see like i have low grade NV goggles

PS, both have ups and downs just like actullay everything else in the world ever?! lol

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My preference:

Night at full moon + good sights > Day light > shitty dark


i like playing at night when you actually can see something. but there's just no chance playing in that total pitch black darkness. i can't even see 10cm ahead.

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who cares what the time of day is' date=' i just click on a server and play if its to dark aka sunlight is hitting my screen ill turn the gamma and brightness up a bit works like a charm! i can see like i have low grade NV goggles

PS, both have ups and downs just like actullay everything else in the world ever?! lol


You clearly haven't played with the new beta patch.

Tweaking gamma and brightness does jack shit anymore during nighttime.

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Night is more fun to play. Sadly, there are never that many people on them because everyone is afraid of the dark and do not know how to use the tools they have been given to combat it...

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Night is more fun to play. Sadly' date=' there are never that many people on them because everyone is afraid of the dark and do not know how to use the tools they have been given to combat it...


It's not about fearing the night, or not knowing how to use the tools, it's about the gameplay shifting too dramatically for some people's tastes.

I was fine with the night before the beta patch without boosting gamma and brightness to max.

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Night is more fun to play. Sadly' date=' there are never that many people on them because everyone is afraid of the dark and do not know how to use the tools they have been given to combat it...


I dont mind playing in the darkness, although when my friends come on at a night time they usually prefer to play in the US servers so they see the sun. There i one problem with night time though on a few servers. I've noticed that some servers actually have their settings too dark so even adjusting the obvious like brightness and gama doesnt fix this overwhelming darkness. No one wants to play in absolute pitch black where they cannot see the gun infront of their face. So one this is fixed and there is a "brightness" all servers agree on i think there will be alot more people venturing out into the night. But as for me, i like the dark, makes me less visible :) but if i cant play the game properly in a server then i'll simply move to another.


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yes, but since the latest beta patch, with Tone Mapping change, we can see shit! Last night, i tried to play on a server, and after 30min walking on this fucking dark night (no moon...). i moved to a day time server.

We need to see at a minimum radius of 5 or 10 meters. Have you ever see a night when you can't see your hands ??? me never, so for realism and also for gameplay, it's shit...

Dev or server-hoster may adjust the tone-mapping or gamma setting to make the night a little more "playable". Before that you will see some night-server with maximum 5 hardcore crazy gamer (or player with NVG...).

Also for who got NVG, it's making the game so easy, they just have to walk around good loot without care about other bandit (or perhaps from who also got the NVG..)

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Night is more fun to play. Sadly' date=' there are never that many people on them because everyone is afraid of the dark and do not know how to use the tools they have been given to combat it...


I dont mind playing in the darkness, although when my friends come on at a night time they usually prefer to play in the US servers so they see the sun. There i one problem with night time though on a few servers. I've noticed that some servers actually have their settings too dark so even adjusting the obvious like brightness and gama doesnt fix this overwhelming darkness. No one wants to play in absolute pitch black where they cannot see the gun infront of their face. So one this is fixed and there is a "brightness" all servers agree on i think there will be alot more people venturing out into the night. But as for me, i like the dark, makes me less visible :) but if i cant play the game properly in a server then i'll simply move to another.


That's not the servers having custom settings. Whenever there's no moon now, it'll be PITCH BLACK. This all due to the new Beta patch for Arma 2 (93616 and up, i believe) where they tweaked tone mapping for the worse.

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I do but yesterday was just a hell, too damn dark :( Glad we had a spare g17 in the tent...

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No, I prefer daytime because the engine can't create proper nighttime lights.

It's not freaking possible that at dusk with a bright sky the terrain, trees, buildings, everything is pure black.

This mod is aming to the realism but the dusk to down time lightning is totally screwed and not realistic at all.

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I am OK with a pitch black night as long as light sources are more user friendly. If we are going for realism why can't I hold a flash light in one hand and a pistol in the other?

I know some guns have lights on them but they are rare. I have not found NVGs yet. Chemlights are pretty useless, their range is too low I cannot see more than 2 meters infront or are my settings messed up? The only use I found for chemlights is if you are in a group playing at night someone holds one so you can see them to follow them.

Flares are suicidal, its like a big arrow pointing at your head.

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I would play during night if flashlights didnt totally suck. You can barely see 20m in front of you and if you want to see anything at all you have to walk slowly everywhere.

Instead of having a focus point like real flashlights and the brains to point it forward. If that is fixed playing during night would be pretty cool. Also being able to attach flashlights to guns with duct tape would be awesome.

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I used to love playing in the night but it is too dark now, so no, not until its fixed in the next beta patch.

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I play at night, and I only bump up my gamma, etc. when playing with a group of my friends that refuse to tough the night out like men (I wouldn't be able to keep up with them if I didn't bump up my gamma like my friends).

Take the risk of flares until you can find some chemlights, and then you'll be able to move around in relative safety.

I used to love playing in the night but it is too dark now' date=' so no, not until its fixed in the next beta patch.


The night wasn't made darker by a patch, the game has actual moon phases that affect light levels.

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The night wasn't made darker by a patch' date=' the game has actual moon phases that affect light levels.


The new patch have reduced the effect gamma and brightness has, the fact that this happened at the same time as the current moon phase has made it really bloody dark!

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There is no point bothering to argue the realism of night in this game because we are all playing on different monitors!

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