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Using Hacked Weapons?

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You wont get BE banned. Some server admins may ban you for using it on their server.

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Use it if you want, you will get grief off everyone here no doubt but no harm will come to you, some server admins may ban you for use of them but you cannot recieve a Global Ban for using one you picked off a body!

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By using it you support hackers making you a worthless vile cancer on gaming.

If you bury it you instantly recieve good karma

Id rather support hackers over abusive admins that dont follow rules since you put it that way.

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Id rather support hackers over abusive admins that dont follow rules since you put it that way.

What do abusive admins have to do with the topic?

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I'm glad some admins have banded together using that thing to kick, hope they all do, also hope they change kick to BAN.

Typical female.

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i kick all players on my server with illegal weapons with the stark warning either drop them or face a ban if they return with the illegal goods, means fairer play for all the legit players out there.

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Id rather support hackers over abusive admins that dont follow rules since you put it that way.

Would you please give me your player name, ID and GUID?

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Typical female.

In the leagues of trolling you don't even make the sunday amateurs, go away and bother me when you develope some talent for it.

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I use a G36K and have a Radio... Am I overpowered yet?

It's not about overpowered or not, it's about principles.

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This subject again?

So let's clarify.

Server rule 11, from here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62195-server-hosting-rules/

11. As a server admin you must not:

You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle.

You are not permitted to kick or ban for smacktalk.

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs.

I've bolded and underlined the pertinent section and put the best part in red. Please notice the red letters. I'll write that again: Please notice all those pretty red letters, because they actually mean something.

Since hacked items are cheating, and (for the most part) hacked items are logged, which makes it verified cheating, I think that banning people at the server level for having them more than meets the requirements set forth in rule 11. No amount of crying, "but Rocket said ...," is going to change that.

Quit hiding between Rocket's legs. If you're using illegitimate items you're a cheater. So, if I see you on my server, with a hacked item (in the logs,) you'll get a warning via global chat, then a kick if you ignore me. If you come back with those items you'll be banned.


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I use a G36K and have a Radio... Am I overpowered yet?

You know as well as the principle you have any idea what I and I think many people will assume when a "trader" such as yourself with a surplus of high end gear to trade is carrying hacked kit?

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As others have already said, you won't risk a global ban for using it. The worst thing that can happen is that some server admin might ban you for it, but on most servers you won't get banned for using it. So enjoy it while you have it. Easily spotting and killing players with this beast will make you feel like a big man.

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By using it you support hackers making you a worthless vile cancer on gaming.

If you bury it you instantly recieve good karma

And find a Mountain Dew

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