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S1ippery Jim

Traps to be added in a later patch - thoughts?

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traps seem like a great idea' date=' just makes me feel like its going to be annoying running into random obscurely placed claymores, depends on the rarity.


I think setting them up would be totally awesome so I am for it. I would even be honored if I was walking down the road and BOOM super claymore ambush blows me up. Sure beats death by a lame zombie.

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I like the idea but I also think they will just be another method for server hoppers to defend their loot spots like razer wire. I would like to see options to defend and protect camps, tents and vehicles. Maybe this can help with that. But razer wire still sounds like the best option as it forces player to remove it with a tool box.

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This is the first suggestion that i really like. I feel like a bear trap fits this game very well. Not only using to for maybe some added defense but even for what its made for, hunting. Being able to set a trap in the woods and coming back to find a prize waiting to be gutted would be very satisfying. On the other side having someone step into it and breaking a leg, possibly bleeding out would be equally as awesome to come back too. I also like the idea of requiring someone to get you out of it. BUT I can also understand why some wouldn't like it, trying to make your way through a town only to be stopped by a minefield someone took the time to formulate. Maybe just limiting the amount of traps a person can set? Also i don't think im quite sold on a claymore/bomb trap... not something id see fit for a zombie survival game.

Personally i wouldn't be that upset getting trapped even if i was soloing around. Adds more the the thrill and insecurity this game offers.

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why not contruct/repair claymores! that would be awesome! and having traps around your vehicles/tents are useless if they don't kill!

do you think you will persuade me from steeling your car because I cower from a broken limbe!

morphine and I got your car!

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It would need to be that it disappears if the trapper disconnects for X amount of time or gets a certain distance away. Otherwise we will end up with people just randomly putting traps all over the most known places such as Stary camps and the NW barracks and walking away which would just add a pointless and tedious problem.

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Breaks legs' date=' doesn't kill :)


Automatically think bear traps.

I like quoted in OP am solo most the time.

I would spend a great deal of time trapping and looking over areas for potential traps.

Traps can maybe function like fireplaces do in placement?

A trap for each status effect. Assuming you just step on any of them/cross a line...

1. Poison trap = Illness

2. Spiked/Cutting/small explosive trap = bleeding/pain

3. Blunt trap = Pain/Shock

4. Normal Trap = Player becomes stuck

5. Noise Trap = Alerts Zombies in area or player

Now not saying I expect this many traps added. just 1-2 of any combination of above I'd work to make full use of...

A player briefly stuck and alerting a horde of zombies sounds awesome. ;D

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Roaming zombies would be a good way to clear up any left over traps.

The problem then I guess is that most zombies would be crawlers. That or you'd walk into a town and see 20 zombies standing around with their legs stuck in traps, which would be kind of funny. You could stand back and throw cans at them.

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Leg-breaking traps? So players can pick up and place doors anywhere now?

On a serious note' date=' I'd like bone breaker traps, pain traps, knockout traps, and bleeding traps (just a gash that bleeds, no damage except gradual from blood loss).


I like where you're going with this...what about a castration trap that turns your character into a woman?

What if youre a woman already? Does this castration trap insert penis into you then and turn you to man?

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Great idea! Would love to see it, maybe not clays but maiming traps would be fun.

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Never been a big fan of people blocking stairs and doors with fences... just hope those traps wont be used this way and will only be usable outside of towns and in the forest

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I like where you're going with this...what about a castration trap that turns your character into a woman?

What is wrong with you people' date=' a woman isn't a man with his 'nads cut off. Totally fails to amuse. Are you 12?



You strike me as being witless, humourless and dull.

Moreover, your need to address a post which was clearly in jest makes me think you're overbearingly condescending.

I do not like you, sir or maddam.

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can it also fire a flare up so we know its been triggered and it also brings nearby zeds to them?! :D

I like.

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If there is ever a crafting system...

tin can + M67 + wire = tripbomb

Player kicks wire, wire pulls grenade out of can, tick tick boom.

Can be stepped over or disabled, noticeable visually and audibly (when tripped) , long enough fuse to get away from (with good reaction).

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Breaks legs' date=' doesn't kill :)


Realy wish you could use all theses excessive Jerry cans for something, say let them blow up if they get shot with a large caliber? if you let them chain detonate you could make some pretty interesting walls of fire to block advancing raiders.

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Interesting idea!

Any idea if we're ever going to see concussion grenades?

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A noise trap would be easily implemented wouldnt it?. Only really helps snipers and people looting, but i think thats very worthwhile.

Other traps dont make much sense right now imo, because when you dont have to be near they are just one more extremely random day to have your fun ended and when you have to be near, lying in the bushes youre a trap yourself already.

Boobie-traps on dead bodies (or on your own) would be fun, because if real life turned out to be like dayz servers thats what I guess I would do. Have it switch-onnable.

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Well, if traps gets added to game it sure as hell going to make NW airfield alot more intresting then it allready it is, or cherno for that matter.

But yeah I'm all for traps, just give everyone a fair chance to detect/escape them and we'll be fine.

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Traps sound great, but the idea of requiring another player to free you is awful. If you are playing solo they'd be a death sentence (a very slow one). Also, it would just lead to more server hopping. [hit with trap] shit [change servers] no more trap.

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yeah lets spam traps on stary sobor -.-

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Just adding that you guys know they make chemlight trip-flares. Uses a UV chemlight instead of a WP tripflare. You light up like Christmas and have no idea, as they are UV and can only be seen via NVGs.

Oh, and make actual trip flares. Use a road flare + wire? Would be neat.

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