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If You're Looking For A Great, Fun and Fair Clan DON'T Come Here.

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Firstly, the Clan itself is great, community was fun and everything was seemingly great. Only problem is the server admin

The name is ZombieHords, when I was apart of that clan we playing on a fervently hacked server we finally called it quits and decided on renting out own private hive. It was all well and good until one of the server admins started hacking in guns, ammo, gear and vehicles for player. Now the other Server admin, was pissed at this, because the only way we were getting in hacked in gear is if we pay a nominal fee, "Server upkeep" he keeps calling it. That I don't mind at all because it keeps the server running. The gear the Admin scripts in doesn't save on a restart so we are re spawned in our gear, which would be nice if he would actually spawn in our gear the day he says he is, not a week later.

Well the community grew and with it came more responsibility for the Admin. Let's just skip to this mornings wonderful blunder from our Admin. We, as in we I mean my own team, were apparently the best because of what our admin told us, the entirety of complaints were directed towards us from the rest of the community.

Now, we find in a complete hacked in camp totaling three ammo boxes full of everything and about 20 tents full of, again, everything you can get from the arma game. We bring it to the Admins attention and guess what happens, this is the best part. WE GET KICKED OFF THE SERVER FOR HACKING. So I get into chat with our admin and we're discussing what happened and his entire point of view, as he loved to reciprocate was; "I'm under a lot of stress because all this petty bullshit is coming t me." Derp, you chose to be the server admin, you chose the responsibility and chose to deal with the bullshit, it's called your job, not your excuse. Another point he tried to make was: "You guys were hacking because one of your members walked to the hacker camp in a straight line." He was kicked from the server because he went back to the camp that we were exactly at the night before in a firefight with the camp's team. Read that again, I swear to god word for word that's what he said. Please tell me that makes any kind of logical sense. Finally he wants to try the "I found all this gear in your pack so it's hacked and you're hackers." I totally forgot it's impossible to actually go out in DayZ and find equipment and store it, so sorry. Yes, we did take some of the hacked in gear so we can show him the evidence. Nope, he didn't care we were the hackers. ad we were kicked, and he doesn't want to listen because he doesn't care as a Clan leader and a server admin.

Now to add on to this the server admin finally gets his bunched up panties out of his ass and calms down and says this to my friend, me listening in the background. 'It wasn't a hacked in camp from another player, I hacked in all this gear, you guys (us) fully knew what was happening and still stole the hacked in gear, and me, not being in game at the time but in the Raidcall (voip) is a hacker sympathizer and is equally being kicked.

Let me reiterate just in case you guys missed something: We find a hacker camp, made by the server admin, unknowing it was made by the server admin, took the gear to show it to the admin to find out who hacked in the gear, was accused of hacking in the weapons themselves and afterwards accused of stealing hacked gear and kicked out of the server for being a hacker sympathizer.

So guys, if you want to spend time and money dealing with an immature admin who likes to sweep his mess under the rug so he doesn't have to deal with it and call it doing his job. Please by all means, ZombieHords is the best place to go.

Edited by moondoggie1992
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Iv been tracking the entire group and the incedents. All the evidence pointed at your team.

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Other than the typical crying hearsay there hasn't been a single piece of substantial evidence ever brought up because there is no evidence because nothing happened.

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For starters how does purpule always seem to know where we are he tracks us to the very foot step.

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How the hell does he rack up 24 kills when its almost a 5 verse 1 in almost every situation

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We all know where your base is at, the only reason you guys ran into him was he was going back after the black SUV we found the other day when the admin was teleporting us around. Again it was just bad luck

And maybe because you guys weren't paying attention? Mind you he sees everything with the AWS

Edited by moondoggie1992
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The L85 is a typical one to two shot gun from the midsection, one shot if he aims for the head, you guys weren't exactly making a hard target to hit.

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Other than the suv, a bush and the house there is no cover in that area and purple was taking cover behind the house and suv. So where does that leave you guys?

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The forests were behind where Purple was hiding you guys were in the field, two other guys drove up and finished you guys off remember? We all didn't have rangefinders and nvgs. My rangefinders were stolen, I and pheonix were the only ones in the team with them because we bought/won them and only three of us had nvgs. Jagger took the FN FAL PVS we stole from you.

And again it wasn't seven of us who attacked your base, there were only about four or five

Edited by moondoggie1992
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Oh I can count perfectly fine seeing as I was there. Besides this is again nothing but being a crybaby, Weren't you the ones that killed us all genius?

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Quite so, we have quite a few witnesses to help back up literally everything on here. Ask around the lone wolves chat.

Well, except for dan123222123, admin banned him for saying something totally off topic in raidcall, he wasn't even involved, hasn't been on raid for three days before,. He just wanted to talk to admin.

Edited by moondoggie1992
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I have no admin control over the server, but I saw with my own two eyes Rudeboy from your PMC literally disappear right in front of my eyes and the admin over watch reported that he was then 500 meters away from where I saw him disappear which was only 60 meters in front of me. Some members of that PMC might not have been hacking, but most were and a lot of people saw such as myself. Even though I am only a Forum Admin I still try to keep our community fun and clean. Our base camp was not in the same location. The weapons box was hacked in to help us set up the base because we paid for the package. Keep in mind our server is over $100 a month because we decided to go with a dedicated one. You don't have to fork out any money, but to help support the community we could buy many different things that could be placed in game to go towards server costs. That box spawns in EVERYTHING in the game. If you notice I made sure none of my squad members took ANYTHING they were not supposed to. Our leader had to log out and forgot to despawn it therefore we left it there as it was with nothing more taken out. We also stated that no one was allowed to have a hacked in weapon unless it was given to you by an admin. He let that squad hack for a whole month until we had solid evidence. All evidence showed that more than a few members of that PMC were hacking/exploiting. Ok, enough. Maybe YOU weren't hacking but anyone associated with that squad and whatever they were doing was banned. Our community is over 300+ players. Our community is fun and inviting. We try our best to weed out the bad people. If you do not agree with anything that is done I understand you don't have to be apart of it. You can make your own. It's that simple.

With all that said I wish I had Fraps running.... >:(

Hackers/hacker sympathizers are always the ones who post on here about how we kick them out.

Edited by PygmyJess

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Yes I was there, RudeBoy, and you can ask him yourself, didn't randomly teleport, he ran downhill to a barn where he exited out of the game. As you said you compiled evidence please share it, don't give any disclosure crap either. As I stated above in the OP we had no idea admin was spawning in that, we thought we found a hacker camp, yes in the same area, right on windy mountain and was doing what you never did, compiled physical evidence ready to give to the admin where we in turn were accused of hacking when we were the ones talking to the admin about what was going on, he just chose to not pay attention at the time.

You say you try your best but so far you've kicked out five people who were no means in the wrong.

Edited by moondoggie1992
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Yes I was there, RudeBoy, and you can ask him yourself, didn't randomly teleport, he ran downhill to a barn where he exited out of the game. As you said you compiled evidence please share it, don't give any disclosure crap either. As I stated above in the OP we had no idea admin was spawning in that, we thought we found a hacker camp, yes in the same area, right on windy mountain and was doing what you never did, compiled physical evidence ready to give to the admin.

You say you try your best but so far you've kicked out five people who were in no means in the wrong.

Server admin is able to see everyone's movement on the map. He watched him hop 500 meters 2 times. It was 2 clicks away from our original base. Not the same location. Enough.

Edited by PygmyJess

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