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To anyone thinking of hacking

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tl:dr hackers ruin the game for themselves too.

novel time, but hey it's friday and i'm bored at work with a hour to kill.

I can't speak from first hand experience hacking myself but a good (online) friend of mine I speak to and play with on Skype actually had enough of the hacking after spending in his word ''days and literally hours per day on end gearing up to lose it all to a 14 yr old codfag'' and started scripting himself (nothing like teleporting servers, or using it to grief however). I'm guessing this is how it's got so bad - people can't get to grips with the nature of the game (perma death) and either get angry at hackers or suck at the game and decide to hack. Either way stinks imo.

Anyway, long story short he can now spawn in any vehicle, weapon and item - regardless of if they're in day-z or not, just arma. He can teleport himself, see where others are and so on. Problem is, he doesn't even WANT to play anymore. Same issue I have when using mods/using console commands on single player games. I had more fun on Skyrim on the Xbox, than I do on PC, just because mods can break the feel of the game and having the ability to spawn in anything or change anything with one button press. It just breaks the immersion of game. So not only do hackers ruin the game for everyone (and believe me, I can't play for more than 2 hours without insta-dying or my friend saying ''some dude just teleported 30m from us'' or ''all the vehicles are in one spot'' or ''theres about 15 tents full of duped items'') but it also ruins the game for themselves. Thats the sad part imo. Day-Z could be a truly epic and groundbreaking experience if played as intended (nothing gets my adrenaline rushing like it) and the hackers ruin it for themselves.

The buzz you get from stalking someone who has full gear (as50, nvgs etc) while you have low tier weapons is insane. It's so satisfying getting the kill after spending 20 minutes deciding what to do and getting all that gear as a reward is awesome. It's actually a rush. But spawning in full gear with the click of a button and teleporting 20m from unsuspecting players and killing them...I can't work out how in any possible way that is satisfying or even enjoyable.

Edited by showtime

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