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I'm currently in the process of downloading ARMA 2/Operation Arrowhead and I can honestly say I haven't been this excited to play a game since I was a kid on the ride home with my brand new copy of Resident Evil 2. I just wish it was downloading a little faster!!!

Anyway, I've done countless hours of research on this game and I've seen many a complaint about hackers. So, my question to you guys is, does anyone have any good server recommendations? I'd like to avoid these hackers like I would a starving horde of Zeds.

I'm on the US East coast, btw.

Edited by A_Typical_Noob
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There's nothing you can do to completely avoid hackers. However, if you don't mind playing them, servers with less people generally have less hackers. Also if you manage to get on a private server (one with a password given out to a select group of people such as for a clan), there would probably be very little hacking going on. Have fun playing DayZ!

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I would download DAYZCOMANDER - updates the game for you and finds you servers ect / I would download the maps takistan and lingor and play on servers that run those maps DAYZCOMANDER - will download them for you with a click of a button / you will not have a problem with hackers for the most part admins are around at all times watching out for you.

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Hi, I am also at the point of installing. Just bought Arma2:CO through steam and now I don't know whether to use SixLauncher or DayZ commander to install the mod, what u guys say?

Edited by Iam2S

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Hi, I am also at the point of installing. Just bought Arma2:CO through steam and now I don't know whether to use SixLauncher or DayZ commander to install the mod, what u guys say?

Well, as far as I have read, DayZ Commander seems to be the better choice. That's what I will be using.

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Hackers are (unfortunately) a part of the game right now. Trawl the forums and look for some of the server recruiting threads. Most will be private (and therefor unofficial) and often have a lot less hacking. Although 70% of the private ones cannot handle the @hive program properly. You may find yourself staring at lootless towns for up to 15 minutes before loot appears.

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btw, typical_noob, plan on sticking together in some server since we are both beginners?

Edited by Iam2S

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Hi, I am also at the point of installing. Just bought Arma2:CO through steam and now I don't know whether to use SixLauncher or DayZ commander to install the mod, what u guys say?

Commander is a lot more newbie and DayZ friendly. Six updater also contains practically every mod ever made for arma at the push of a button. I recommend both to be fair. I use both.

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Hackers are (unfortunately) a part of the game right now. Trawl the forums and look for some of the server recruiting threads. Most will be private (and therefor unofficial) and often have a lot less hacking. Although 70% of the private ones cannot handle the @hive program properly. You may find yourself staring at lootless towns for up to 15 minutes before loot appears.

Yeah, it seems to be a pretty big issue. But it's just an Alpha, so I'm not going to let it get me down. I already fully understand the number one rule in DayZ. Don't get attached to your gear. No worries from me!

btw, typical_noob, plan on sticking together in some server since we are both beginners?

Yeah that sounds good. I'm in the US on the East coast. Think that will present a problem for you?

Edited by A_Typical_Noob

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Nope, I'm fine.

Finishing up in DayZ Commander right now. I added you as a friend on here as well.

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Alright, I had some problems, game seemed to run laggy once I isntalled DayZ. But I think it's fine now.

How do I find you on Commander?

Actually, how do we find each other in game? I guess we have to agree on a meeting place on some server

Edited by Iam2S

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So when choosing a server in DayZ Commander, when I single click one of the servers it's ping icon jumps from, say...22, to 10000. Any idea if this is just a bug, or what? I was getting some pretty significant lag in the first server I joined.

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I have decent ping, but it's night and can't see anything. I'm near some dock, so scary, looks like a view from Alan Wake.

Is there a hotkey to take screenshots?

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Never mind, I got it. lam2s, I'm in the server US 2036 right now, if you want to join.

EDIT: lol, it didn't refresh your post for some reason, my bad.

Edited by A_Typical_Noob

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Alright, I had some problems, game seemed to run laggy once I isntalled DayZ. But I think it's fine now.

How do I find you on Commander?

Actually, how do we find each other in game? I guess we have to agree on a meeting place on some server

In commander, add your friend into the friends list, using the EXACT name they use in game. Inlcuding clan tags if they have them.

To find them in game, either agree verbally on a town/location. Or use a GPS if you have one. This will give you co-ordinates, visible on the left & right / top & bottom of your ingame or online map. Or use a personal marker...by using shift key and left click on the map. This will gibe you a personal waypoint and you will see a green arrow indicator at the left or right side of your screen. Turn round till your looking right at it...then run to it.

So when choosing a server in DayZ Commander, when I single click one of the servers it's ping icon jumps from, say...22, to 10000. Any idea if this is just a bug, or what? I was getting some pretty significant lag in the first server I joined.

Sometimes this is just a spike, add the server into your favourites...and then in the favourites tab...refresh the server. by adding it into your favourites you dont have to refresh your entire server list. If it instantly goes back down to green/low ping it was a spike. If it stays red after a couple refreshes...dont go on it.

Hope this helps you both!

Edited by GeordieMarv

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Thanks, Geordie.

Typical, what name do you use in game?

LE: I tried joining US 2036 but it says "bad version, server rejected". although I am running on steam and everything up to date

Edited by Iam2S

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Oh, it seems like your server is

The latest is which I have

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Oh, it seems like your server is

The latest is which I have

Interesting, I also have 2.6. Oh well, I got myself an AK-47 and logged off for the evening, lol. I will be on tomorrow night though. What's your in game username, so I can add you on DayZ Commander? Maybe we can play tomorrow.

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