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Who said empty cans are useless?

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Last weekend i finally managed to win a firefight against all odds, all thanks to an empty tincan!

After a fresh respawn I was running east, towards Balota airfield. While i was bolting across the field west of the airfield i heard shots.

I turned north and i saw a guy in a ghillie suit fighting off zombies on a hill. I was pretty sure he was trying to shoot me and attracted too many zombies doing so.

So I ran into the ATC tower and found one AK-74 with three mags. As the airfield had spawned quite some zombies i also grabbed two tincans, just in case.

Since i knew where the ghillie sniper was hiding, i ran around the hill to get him from behind.

I ran into the trees, saw him crouching, prolly waiting for more victims, and shot him, full auto.

Right as he dropped i saw two other ghillied players running off like panicking chickens. I managed to wound one, then sprinted back down the hill. They sent a grenade after me, but missed.

As i was not sure if they had more grenades and were about to use them, i returned their fire with an empty tincan.

Soon as it hit a tree and a noise was produced two people logged simultanously.

I stormed the hill, and I was indeed alone. I had scared off two decked out players with a mere tincan.

I looted the body and saw a hacked PDW SD and some strange machine gun, probably hacked too, along with all tools in game.

Took the tools, hid the body and logged off for the day. All hail the tincan!

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tin cans are the new beans!

you have my tin cans, sir.

Edited by fatherjohn
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lol well done sir! It just goes to prove, you can hack guns but not guts!

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You have my beans. After you eat the beans, you have the can it came it.

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Well played sir, well played.

Best use of the tin can so far.

(after the m107)

That video.. lmao..

Edited by JamesButlin

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I like to stock up on empty whiskey bottles.

Do you have any idea how insulting it is to have a newspawn score a direct hit on your face from across the street with a whiskey bottle?

That sound of glass breaking on skull is damn satisfying.

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