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Coke vs Pepsi Wars DayZLingor - LU1 [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT+1] - Pirate Gaming Server #1 IP Address:

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Our numbers have increased quite a lot recently and we have found that we got bored of hopping around Lingor for heli crashes, transporting it back to base, rinse and repeat. We have around 30 - 40 active DayZ players so when we all gather it's normally in large numbers.

With so many players not shooting at each other, camping at the base and slaughtering live stock, all was peaceful until an argument broke out between members over preference of soft drink! Seeing this, the admins and senior clan members have now split us into two groups (coke vs pepsi / red vs blue) and using the ARMA2 code, assigned us in game to actual teams where we can identify enemy from foe. Vehicles also get a logo when owned by an opposing faction. I will try to explain the playstyle our community has adopted:

  • The chosen map and environment was voted in as Lingor. Takistan isn't that great and everyone wanted a change from Chernarus
  • There are four groups - Red (Coke), Blue (Pepsi), Neutral (clan members who have not picked a side) and pubbies (public players). There is also the admin team which are considered neutral.
  • We do not shoot public or unarmed players unless they are a threat. Nameplates are enabled so if you see a roaming faction, you can shout "PEPSI!" instead of "freindly!!" and see what happens. *To join the group, you can enlist on our website (link[http://www.tpoc.co.uk]) but before being recruited, you must play with a group and talk to them in teamspeak).
  • Each faction has a base, opposing teams have a 1km no fire zone so if a red guy goes to the blue base, blue are cleared to fire, the red guy is not; although sneaking in to steal a vehicle is fine.
  • Community events will take place, this will be in the form of a supply drop somewhere on the map, a demolition derby or taking on the admin team who are transporting high value cargo across the map (ambush scenario). Watch out for the MOTD for more information about when these events will take place.
  • Red and Blue teams can call a temporary cease fire to have a chemlight / torch rave.
  • Senior community members meet once or twice a week to discuss activities, problems among the group etc so we can maximise our members enjoyment of the game.
  • Because we are participating as per the rules, anyone breaking these rules will be banned for 2 weeks (faction players only)

Here is a quick list of the great things about our servers:

  • No ghosting as it's a private hive.
  • Script kiddies (or hackers, but that's being too generous) are swiftly taken care of by vigilant admins.
  • Global ban list in place from other community servers.
  • Automatic kick and ban for common hacks.
  • Red vs Blue community play style.
  • Server gets reset every 6 hours (0200, 0800, 1400, 2000) to keep it running smooth. We are currently considering reducing the amount of times the server resets though.

Server details:

Website: tpoc.co.uk[http://tpoc.co.uk]

Server 1: Name: DayZLingor - LU1 [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT+1] - Pirate Gaming Server #1 IP Address:

Server 2: Name: DayZTakistan - (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) - [+0 CST] Pirate Gaming #2 - tpoc.co.uk | Vilayer.com IP Address:

Public Teamspeak 3 IP: ts.tpoc.co.uk

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good admins, friendly players

and the red vs blue system has potential for pure awesomeness

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By joining you get into our awesome group of players.

Also, concerning Red vs. Blue:

System works well. We had some ambushes and firefights. Everybody has his rivals. It is a very new way to play the game, as you always have an aim: Wrecking the enemy team.

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Sounds really cool. Wish there was an american server like this.

We have American members and they seem to connect fine. It's superfun.

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