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We have a noob friendly server!

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Also for some reason Game Tracker is showing it as being offline, this is not true.

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Donator Packages are back,

$2.00 Skin (Soldier, Rocket, Hero)

$5.00 Skin, Side Arm, Backpack (example: M9)

$10.00 AOB + Perm Hidden Base on the Map with Med Supplies

$12.00 AOB + Perm Hidden Base with a Vehicle of Choice Spawn which will spawn each time the vehicle is lost, Basic Weapons Crate/Med/Food.

or You just like our Server. If new comers are wondering about hese weapon creates mentioned our server is like "DayZ on Meth" as it was put to me. Base Warefare seems to be pretty fun! :thumbsup:

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Map was updated today, 20 More buildings added to the map, yes you can enter all.

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I was on your server last night at about 8 or 9 Central time, for about 5 min when I was banned under odd circumstances. I was told I was scripting, my name was Bryan when in game I go by Disarray, and that I was banned. I did some digging and found my way on to your TS server and eventually got in touch with some admins. I explained what happened and that I wasn't a hacker or scripter or anything, that I don't see the point in it, and had no idea what they were talking about when they told me I spawned in and right away I had an AS50; most certainly not the case from what I could see in game. They told me that was exactly what a scripter would say and banned me from the TS server too after a time; mature indeed. It seems the system you are using picked up a false positive or got me confused, somehow, with another player that actually was scripting.

Now despite these unpleasant admins I rather enjoyed playing on this server 2 days ago with some friends without a problem, got into a nice gun fight and everything. So is there anything that can be done to fix all this?

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Disarray, The Admin that Banned you From the TS Server was trying to just kick you out of the room and banned you on mistake you were unbanned about 5 minutes later. As for the "Mature" Comment we go by the term "Mature: About to Expire meaning Old".

If you could please try to join the TS again tonight? We have no Disarray in our Ban List? As I stated last night we banned a person named "Brandon".

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Whitelist will be turned on during the weekends, we will Auto Whitelist Players during the weekdays.

Sorry for this our Server has been MAXXED out for the most part of the days and with all of the script kiddies using X-Mas Money on these "leet" scripts its just a step that were taking to protect our Regular Players. So far we have around 200 on our List.

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So far our Whitelist has been successful.

Player Base is 301 whitelisted, again this whitelist will only be turned on when scripts have been publicly released such as "Aj's"

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Whitelist was turned on to protect our whitelisted players due to a script kiddie. You can join our Skype or TS to be whitelisted.

Sorry we like people to make a little effort to get on our servers.

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Sorry we like people to make a little effort to get on our servers.

Why such a condescending remark?

I posted about the white list being enabled because only 5 hours prior to your comment, you posted that the white list was just turned off for the week. So I was trying to be nice by posting that it was, in fact, still on... in case you or one of your admins accidentally made a mistake and re-enabled it.

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No, there was a Mass Flow of Script Kiddies today while the list was off so one of the admins turned the whitelist back on until the scriptors were all banned which they were. We have just left it on for the remaining of the day. Are server has been populated all day so we just have kept it on.

The Remark was meaning most of these script kiddies don't like to put in an effort to be whitelisted only to be banned.

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Server is back online was down for a bit due to our datacenter going out.

Whitelist is Currently OFF, Players will be monitored and added to the whitelist as they join/play by admins.

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Server is back online!

Map has been updated you will notice two new Base/FOBS on the Map. (Frank & Coles) & (Marked for Death)

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Whitelist has been turned off for a bit due most of the Hack Sites being down :thumbsup: , we will start adding people as there player time increases.

Whitelist will be turned on Later Tonight. Server is being backed up every 10 minutes, so if anything happens we can just roll you guys back.

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