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Rifle Eyez

A question.

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Now, I know the subject has been recycled 1000 times and every thread that mentions it is being locked (which, I agree is fair enough) but I'm curious about something.

After visiting these forums myself, how do hackers, scripters, or whatever the in name is these days so openly share and discuss hacks on hugely active forums with no punishment whatsoever? Even selling obviously stolen cd-keys which is highly illegal is allowed seemingly to take place on massive forums - which can be found with a simple google search and registered on and downloaded in 2 minutes. Hell, they even detail exactly how said hacks and bypasses work - why isn't this being slammed shut at the source? These are 16 year old script kids or basement dwellers - not exactly cyber terrorists. It's like the worlds dumbest criminals but NOTHING is being done.

Maybe i'm missing something but I can't work it out in my naivete. I could understand the epidemic more if it was invite only boards or personal hacks and bypasses used by a small number of people, but these boards have 100's if not 1000's of views and posts, seemingly unregulated and easily accessed. I refuse to believe there is no action that can be taken however i'm ready to be proven wrong.


Edited by showtime

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Why is there easily accesible elephant porn on the net ? I don't know...it just is.

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Since Al Gore first invented the internet, hackers and script kiddies have been sharing information on how to crack/hack/steal data. Welcome to the internet. If you can find a way to regulate the entire internet to rid the world of hackers, you will gain untold fame and wealth. Good luck...we're all counting on you.

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Now, I know the subject has been recycled 1000 times and every thread that mentions it is being locked (which, I agree is fair enough) but I'm curious about something.

After visiting these forums myself, how do hackers, scripters, or whatever the in name is these days so openly share and discuss hacks on hugely active forums with no punishment whatsoever? Even selling obviously stolen cd-keys which is highly illegal is allowed seemingly to take place on massive forums - which can be found with a simple google search and registered on and downloaded in 2 minutes. Hell, they even detail exactly how said hacks and bypasses work - why isn't this being slammed shut at the source? These are 16 year old script kids or basement dwellers - not exactly cyber terrorists. It's like the worlds dumbest criminals but NOTHING is being done.

Maybe i'm missing something but I can't work it out in my naivete. I could understand the epidemic more if it was invite only boards or personal hacks and bypasses used by a small number of people, but these boards have 100's if not 1000's of views and posts, seemingly unregulated and easily accessed. I refuse to believe there is no action that can be taken however i'm ready to be proven wrong.


Good questions!

Information should be free...

What you see is the backside of "hacking"....script kiddies downloading cheats.

Whats happening in that background....Here, its where it starts to get wrong. Instead of give findings, weaknesses to the devs...thay want to earn money out of it instead.

Internet is a virtual world....With the capacity for end users to redirect and hide its communication lines and content.

Because of this its hard for legislation and moral to keep up. When the trace is done, the money is already gone.

Edited by Drogur

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I agree in principle that the internet is hard to regulate but this isnt the tor network or some other elaborate proxy chain in the deep internet - its basic forums with 1000s of members openly promoting hacking and selling cd keys

I understand legally there probably isnt the resources to take action, or even the will too (theres probably loopholes) but even for anti cheat software - a knowledgeable person can pick apart a bypass which is posted as soon as its released

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I agree in principle that the internet is hard to regulate but this isnt the tor network or some other elaborate proxy chain in the deep internet - its basic forums with 1000s of members openly promoting hacking and selling cd keys

I understand legally there probably isnt the resources to take action, or even the will too (theres probably loopholes) but even for anti cheat software - a knowledgeable person can pick apart a bypass which is posted as soon as its released

Be sure, they use all the information gathering techniques the Internet can provide.

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The way I look at it is - Battlefield and MW3 well money making games get hacked and here we have DayZ which is free and the Rocket gets nothing and everyone things that he dont give a Shitz about it and is doing nothing resolve it - Make Sense - Not to me - I see over 4000 script kiddies banned through my Server and it is a free game..... ( My Opinion Only)

Edited by Wabid Wabit
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I don't get it either. I've always wondered why anyone's having problems banning hackers when they so openly discuss the development and use of said techniques. You'd think anti-cheat software would be having the time of its life countering it all, considering how easily you can stay up to date on current and upcoming hacks thanks to Google, but what do I know.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Hey, I enjoy playing games as much as the next guy and cannot stand hackers either but at the end of the day it's a game meant for a few hours of relaxation. Nothing more nothing less.

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Haha dude im not saying that the CIA should be monitoring the situation and half the worlds law enforcement budget should be spent on arresting script kiddies. Certainly the selling of cd keys that are stolen is a criminal offense - especially when dudes openly brag about it.

And on the hacking side its merely curiosity how not just in dayz but other games its out of hand but nothing can be done despite the exact methods being shared and detailed with 1000s.

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No matter what is done to prevent the hacks today tomorrow they will have new ones - Its an adrenaline rush for them to see what they can get away with and come to these posts like this and LTAO at all the comments and new posts - So even if Rocket hired the best Anti-Hack company in the World tomorrow would be new scripts and so on, and so on, this will never stop, there will always be hackers in games that attract the most people, we as players just need to get use to that and try to still enjoy ourselves so they dont see us as defeated.

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Where are the hackers who hack the hackers? Those guys... My hero!

(talking about the ones who hack the little guy companies. Scum bitches with no skills may a 1000 seed ticks infest their genitals)

Edited by Pendragon

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I guess - the problem is dayz's nature of not respawning with full gear and players coming across from console to catch the hype and sucking. I guarentee a majority of the hackers couldnt accept the toughness of the game and then realized they could grief legit players easily due to the fact you dont respawn with full gear.

I refuse to believe that more cannot be done with how public the hacks are, but i guess thats because i see the true potential of the game and sick of every game including a hack - be it spawned in gear, teleporting to straight nuking a server. I guess i can just pity the people who buy 5. Cd keys and brag about global bans

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Just had a look on one of these sites. Not only are they shit at Day Z but most of them seem completely shit at hacking too & are getting themselves banned! XD

Day Z isnt even that difficult. These jokers would have been screwed playing games back in the day.

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