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Mr. Chill

Mr. Chill's list of random suggestions... sorry for any reposts

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1) get rid of the enfield and replace with the mosin nagant (they are a lot more common, especially if it's suppose to take place in western europe)

2) allow drinking from a pond without having a waterbottle

3) allow collecting rain into your waterbottle

4) enable radios so you can communicate with your team (via mic or text)

5) enable a megaphone (broadcast speakers) ability on the helicopter (I want people to hear me before I shoot them)

6) allow non SD ammo to be used in silenced weapons (obviously the weapon's report wouldn't be dampened at all)

7) whenever a server restarts any gas in a vehicle is emptied (fix that shit!)

8) drinking too much soda can alter your vision (sugar rush)

9) spray can (ability to leave messages on objects)

10) backpacks spawn in different colors

More later bro's

Edited by Mr. Chill

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It's in alpha dude, hardly anything will change until the standalone is released. Sit tight and wait.

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