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Alternative Response to Banditry

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I just had an idea, as I was reading a few of these forum posts. Now in a perfect world this would be easy to implement and it would behave like we wanted, but alas we have limitations so I don't know how reasonable this actually is:

After humanity dips below a certain threshold, after a kill (or some number of kills), a response unit comes in. Basically, bring in an NPC 'tracker/policeman' type character who is hunting the bandit. Spawn them a good distance away, 100/200 meters, moving toward the bandit. I don't know the specifics of this system so it may or may not be trivial to make it friendly to everyone except the target NPC, or even scale hostility based on humanity. He would essentially seek out the bandit, then engage him in battle.

This indirectly helps survivors by occupying bandits with something else to do. The NPC could have some small amount of loot on him. This could have a huge range of things, a military person with that gear, or a cop, or some random farmer, etc etc. Bandits aren't exactly punished because they could run away by placing a time limit on the amount of time the NPC has to find him before it despawns. The bandit could also stay and fight for potential loot (could be limited so it isn't an incentive to BE a bandit, maybe just food and occasional ammo).

This system could be expanded, perhaps friendly NPC's for groups of survivors helping each other. Random limits on how often they can spawn and what they carry. If the system allows for it, this is a hugely expandable addition to the game. It even adds a little more life to the servers that have lower populations.

Anyway this is just a quick outline of an idea and I think with all our minds we could optimize this into something that would only help the game. Of course it requires overcoming many technical limitations and needs to fit the existing system of the game engine.

TL;DR: Have context sensitve NPC's spawn based on bandit behavior or cooperation between players. Each case enhancing the RISK/REWARD of your choice of playstyle.

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I like the idea of having VERY rare miltary convoys that roll around, and shoot zombies + bandits on sight. Though having one single AI spawn within 100 meters of a bandit doesnt sound so good to me. Besides, AI in arma is a joke. If you are fighting one vs one you will win 99 percent of the time, assuming you dont do something retarded.

Also, perpare for a bunch of people to scream at you n stuff. Its what this fourm does.

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National crisis where zombies have infested a large region. Send in police to deal with a human. Where's the logic?

Bandits shouldn't be punished because you shouldn't be punished for playing the game the way you want in a game like this. Also I'm a bandit because I defended myself against 3 survivors. Do I get punished for self-defence?

Think about your suggestion please.

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I just don't see this as punishment. If an easy AI came after you it isn't punishment, it's simulating a group of survivors saying "hey did you hear there's a bandit around nwaf? Someone should do something about him." Then you either relocate (should probably be doing that anyway) or just hold your ground and kill it, which is what you were in theory doing anyway.

I view it more as a rogue survivor going after them wanting to do some justice and not as an actual military engagement.

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I just don't see this as punishment.

Making a child have a 1 minute timeout instead of a 15 minute one is still a punishment.

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I'll put my name to this idea if we add NPC shopkeepers shooting survivors who loot their stores and NPC Farmers who chase you off their land.

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100 meters away is about the length of a football field.

200 meters away is still well within the effective range of most assault rifles.

So basically, they'd spawn within kill range.

I think you need to rethink this.

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Not a good idea, not good at all. You are trying to punish a game style within the mod. Don't go there.

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Are you guys even trying anymore? We need some fresh stuff! Regurgitating bad ideas isn't useful.

Still, thanks for trying, I guess.

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Are you guys even trying anymore? We need some fresh stuff! Regurgitating bad ideas isn't useful.

Still' date=' thanks for trying, I guess.


Does he get a doggie biscuit for this?

I don't think the idea fits within the story/situation. We're survivors, not law-abiding citizens. What kind of park ranger would park-range Chernarus in a post-apocalyptic zombie apocalypse?

It doesn't give rise to reason why he's targeting bandits, and not scalping infected instead.

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