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Dayz server PCGN Agrees with taking hacked "legit" gear

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Here is the original post where they explain and justify cheating, Also where I am called names, getting a virus on my computer because they banned someone who wasn't hacking but was a friend of a hacker. But yet they turned around and did the exact same thing, and took items out of a hacked crate. This is how the story goes.

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Also, after I logged because of this incident, I logged back in around 8 hours later ie 2 pm server time 1 pm EST time, and it was night time, so not only did they get completely "hacked gear" with IR range finder ect they turned the server to night only, I walked maybe 1k meters and I checked their TS 3 on their website and the people who are able to reset to day/night and mod the server were on. So not only did they take "hacked cheat gear" they exploited that fact and turn the server night vs how ever many people were on, also I now have a dayz moderator telling me "I have nothing against you, the people involved, or the situation. However please re-write the thread instead of copy and pasting everything from their forum. You show links to private information that they wish not to be available."

Such pathetic human beings.

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Well, something seems amiss in that leadership structure. Why is it that they desire to do anything in the 'gray-zone' to bump themselves a notch in their server and abroad?

However I wouldn't call them pathetic, simply send a report of some sort, and go server-shopping.

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Such pathetic human beings.

Calm down man. I read the post and it seemed like they were just trying to re-coup their losses after the hacker wiped their gear. You sound really butthurt about nothing. I would have done the same thing in their situation.

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Calm down man. I read the post and it seemed like they were just trying to re-coup their losses after the hacker wiped their gear. You sound really butthurt about nothing. I would have done the same thing in their situation.

Than you're a cheater/hacker by association. Cheater

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And this is socially acceptable by your culture, your species is doomed child.

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I guess anyone that doesn't agree with you is wrong is that it?

We are NOT cheaters and Darky (Blixil) raged before we could explain that the server was glitched and then restarted. We have been killed by cheaters since and more hackers keep spawning equipment, vehicles and weapons that we destroy on a regular basis. We have multiple admins handling this and as most here know it is a daunting task that takes a tremendous amount of time on a daily and sometimes hourly basis.

Most of our regulars on our server keep coming back and know that we run a quality server with a friendly environment. We DO NOT support hackers and never did.

We are about to be running whitelisted servers on Lingor and Cherno. That should end the problems. We are taking applications on our web site for anyone interested in a friendly, hacker free environment where you can play as you wish. Bandit, lonewolf, or with a group just trying to survive. At least you will do all that with the peace of mind that you will NOT be hacked.


Before anyone judges they should get the facts and we are always available to answer questions on our TS.

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I'll make this very simple so that even you can understand Blix. We banned Frank who had god mode, had spawned a non-legit vehicle, & also teleported to us, we proceeded to ban his friend because, well let's face it 2 AS50 shots, & 5 m24 shots, & he's not dead? at 5 meters? That's called godmode... Your theory that the server was "Eternal Night" is rubbish, it was glitched on night because we had to roll back the server to undo the damage the hacker had done, & in doing that the server was bugged. All because Frank came back in, mass killed the server, edited the server files, & seems to have injected virus's into a few of our pc's. He tryed reconnecting over 20 times after we banned him, & we ended up banned 15 seperate guids & ip's from the same person in the process. You seem to have forgotten to mention that part... The server time was already messed up before this "hack attack" as well, & we where in the process of fixing that.

I'm pointing out here, that the IR on an L85A2 AWS Is completely legit, you can find them in DayZ it's self - http://dayzdb.com/database/l85a2-aws - Rangefinders are legitimate item's as well - http://dayzdb.com/database/rangefinder . The only time any of us have taken anything closed to a illegitimate item is when I took 2 pipebombs & I used them to destroy the pipebombs / ammo box that another hacker Arturka had spawned so that no one could get the ridiculous amounts of gear in it. No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity. Therefore all requests mentioning these things as possible reasons for the global ban are ignored. although we only took legitimate gear that is in DayZ from the box, that's more than a lot of people can say they would have done. But even more than that we lost a week's worth of gear that we worked for, we deserved to get our legitimate gear back because a hacker should not be able to come in, & ruin week's of work. (Don't believe my above quote? http://www.battleye.com/support.html - First bullet point).

The day in question that all this happened, we ended up banning over 60 hackers, You proceeded to blame us for a virus on your pc, & losing you gear just because we banned a hacker. You told us "F*** you" to everyone, "F*** your server I got killed by a hacker on it!!" 'F*** you all for taking gear that we lost" all because a ridiculous amount of hackers targeted are server, & got banned, then we proceeded to find an ammo crate with every weapon / tool / gear in the game, but we only took the item's we had before we got hacked from it. You Sir need to rage somewhere else, I do not know what has you so upset with us, or with the fact we took only the gear we lost because we got mass hacked, & it is not against any rules to do so.

This is your own opinion, & based on how strict you are about hacking in games... Wouldn't it be even worse that you basically admitted to stealing the things written below? *Quoting Blixil* "Last thing I pirated was britney spears new album with the dubstep remix on it and before that skyrim and the sims, and jimmy carr. <--- this is a completely different to comparing it to playing a video game and cheating." (I mean really... Britney Spears, even worse a Dubstep Remix??!) http://www.pc-gamers...sts-BoBo-and-ED (Quote is at 9th reply, 2nd Sentence).


Edited by Kyreaper

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I guess anyone that doesn't agree with you is wrong is that it?

We are NOT cheaters and Darky (Blixil) raged before we could explain that the server was glitched and then restarted. We have been killed by cheaters since and more hackers keep spawning equipment, vehicles and weapons that we destroy on a regular basis. We have multiple admins handling this and as most here know it is a daunting task that takes a tremendous amount of time on a daily and sometimes hourly basis.

Most of our regulars on our server keep coming back and know that we run a quality server with a friendly environment. We DO NOT support hackers and never did.

We are about to be running whitelisted servers on Lingor and Cherno. That should end the problems. We are taking applications on our web site for anyone interested in a friendly, hacker free environment where you can play as you wish. Bandit, lonewolf, or with a group just trying to survive. At least you will do all that with the peace of mind that you will NOT be hacked.


Before anyone judges they should get the facts and we are always available to answer questions on our TS.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did. http://www.pc-gamers.net/showthread.php?17985-Since-I-can-t-reply-to-BOBO-due-to-not-having-10-posts-BoBo-and-ED

you're so pathetic fire please dont talk.

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I'll make this very simple so that even you can understand Blix. We banned Frank who had god mode, had spawned a non-legit vehicle, & also teleported to us, we proceeded to ban his friend because, well let's face it 2 AS50 shots, & 5 m24 shots, & he's not dead? at 5 meters? That's called godmode... Your theory that the server was "Eternal Night" is rubbish, it was glitched on night because we had to roll back the server to undo the damage the hacker had done, & in doing that the server was bugged. All because Frank came back in, mass killed the server, edited the server files, & seems to have injected virus's into a few of our pc's. He tryed reconnecting over 20 times after we banned him, & we ended up banned 15 seperate guids & ip's from the same person in the process. You seem to have forgotten to mention that part... The server time was already messed up before this "hack attack" as well, & we where in the process of fixing that.

I'm pointing out here, that the IR on an L85A2 AWS Is completely legit, you can find them in DayZ it's self - http://dayzdb.com/database/l85a2-aws - Rangefinders are legitimate item's as well - http://dayzdb.com/database/rangefinder . The only time any of us have taken anything closed to a illegitimate item is when I took 2 pipebombs & I used them to destroy the pipebombs / ammo box that another hacker Arturka had spawned so that no one could get the ridiculous amounts of gear in it. No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity. Therefore all requests mentioning these things as possible reasons for the global ban are ignored. although we only took legitimate gear that is in DayZ from the box, that's more than a lot of people can say they would have done. But even more than that we lost a week's worth of gear that we worked for, we deserved to get our legitimate gear back because a hacker should not be able to come in, & ruin week's of work. (Don't believe my above quote? http://www.battleye.com/support.html - First bullet point).

The day in question that all this happened, we ended up banning over 60 hackers, You proceeded to blame us for a virus on your pc, & losing you gear just because we banned a hacker. You told us F*** you to everyone, F*** your server I got killed by a hacker on it!! F*** you all for taking gear that we lost because a ridiculous amount of hackers targeted are server, & got banned, then we proceeded to find an ammo great with every weapon / tool / gear in the game, but we only took the item's we had before we got hacked from it. You Sir need to rage somewhere else, I do not know what has you so upset with us, or with the fact we took only the gear we lost because we got mass hacked, & it is not against any rules to do so.

This is your own opinion, & based on how strict you are about hacking in games... Wouldn't it be even worse that you basically admitted to stealing the things written below? *Quoting Blixil* "Last thing I pirated was britney spears new album with the dubstep remix on it and before that skyrim and the sims, and jimmy carr. <--- this is a completely different to comparing it to playing a video game and cheating." (I mean really... Britney Spears, even worse a Dubstep Remix??!) http://www.pc-gamers...sts-BoBo-and-ED (Quote is at 9th reply, 2nd Sentence).


I don't understand why you're stupid, at first it seemed you were ok and intelligent people, I explained to you while I was saying that in a joking manner, I dont care about the gear we are not talking about that, we are not talking about the virus I got from the attack on your server, we are not talking about all of dying from the attack on the server, LET ME PUT THIS IN CAPS BECAUSE ITS IMPORTANT. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT YOUR CREW PCGN TAKING ALL OF THE "HACKED LEGIT GEAR" AND SAYING HEY ITS OK TO TAKE HACKED GEAR. YOU BANNED THE ASSOCIATES OF FRANK, AND THEN WERE KILLED INSTANTLY BY FRANK.


Zero integrity, zip zilch nada nip null, so for you to say HEY COME PLAY ON OUR PRIVATE HIVE which I'm still waiting for the answer from intelligent ethical people which there are very few.


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Your name is KY reaper, can you be anymore of a troll with invalids points, making the comparison between "stealing a song" and calling me a hacker, vs taking items out of a crate that WAS SPAWNED BY A HACKER, and you say its ok.You have zero integrity and should not be in any type of position with power.

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I don't understand why you're stupid, at first it seemed you were ok and intelligent people, I explained to you while I was saying that in a joking manner, I dont care about the gear we are not talking about that, we are not talking about the virus I got from the attack on your server, we are not talking about all of dying from the attack on the server, LET ME PUT THIS IN CAPS BECAUSE ITS IMPORTANT. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT YOUR CREW PCGN TAKING ALL OF THE "HACKED LEGIT GEAR" AND SAYING HEY ITS OK TO TAKE HACKED GEAR. YOU BANNED THE ASSOCIATES OF FRANK, AND THEN WERE KILLED INSTANTLY BY FRANK.


Zero integrity, zip zilch nada nip null, so for you to say HEY COME PLAY ON OUR PRIVATE HIVE which I'm still waiting for the answer from intelligent ethical people which there are very few.


I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

I would rather be a filthy cheater as me than an honest asshole like you. Just leave, no one wants you here... As a matter of fact we never did.

Did you forget that your admin/clan person in power said this? Gooo

[user warned. -Max]

Edited by Max Planck

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As I put in the post you quoted about the hacked gear, Bohemia Interactive (The game;s development company) say's it is alright to take hacked gear - however we didn't even do that we took only legitimate items, as I said above. I banned 1 person who was Frank's friend running godmode, & Frank the first time, then about 15 - 20 more times after that, in other words HE HAD NO ASSOCIATES. If your still waiting for an answer about our private hive you may as well look somewhere else, you are by no means welcome here.

As a final comment, you have no clue what your saying, you obviously did not read my whole post, & instead of writing things out of blatant anger... Why not keep your mouth shut, because I'm sure these forum moderators have seen some pretty retarded people in there Dayz, but you may be one of the worst they've seen.

Edited by Kyreaper

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You are just taking what was said out of context.

Fire meant he would rather be himself AND a filthy cheater than be you as the asshole you are. You know this. Who's the troll?

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I don't know what this is but it is locked now.

Blixil, you are getting a 24 hour break, take it easy in the future.

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