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Wipe tents, not player hive.

Wipe tents, player hive or booth.  

56 members have voted

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    • Wipe tents only
    • Wipe booth player, and tent hive

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No, no hackers our anti cheat system is better then the hive we have more resources, more equipment, faster zombies and more power to control our hive. We see someone with a AS50 tws well we will kick you and chuck you in the middle of a town and give you 500 zombies to deal with,,,,good luck with your now makarov and one bullet left...never under estimate the power of a private hive and good admins

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Wipe it all to get rid of duped and hacked items.what would a half ass wipe do?everyone would just log out with their hacked weapons and the half ass wipe was for nothing.

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Thanks for telling me, and the whole DayZ community how to use exploits! If I had a gold medal, I would give it to you!

You're welcome.

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There are a lot of legit players that have survived for a Month and use the Tents to store gear and items they have come across and cant carry, so just destroying the Tents is not a fair call, I have survived for 24 days and have a Tent and everything in it I have found personally or I traded for it - So to say wipe my Tent so you can keep your hard earned gear is wayyyyy not cool - Sorry Chap

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There are a lot of legit players that have survived for a Month and use the Tents to store gear and items they have come across and cant carry, so just destroying the Tents is not a fair call, I have survived for 24 days and have a Tent and everything in it I have found personally or I traded for it - So to say wipe my Tent so you can keep your hard earned gear is wayyyyy not cool - Sorry Chap

But is it better than wiping everything?

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Wipe the tents. I don't have a tent, so I don't care if they're wiped. I'm not attached to my gear, but losing it to a hive wipe would be complete horseshit.

So if some one else loses their gear it's okay but you losing your gear is unacceptable. Typical ArmA idiots.

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But is it better than wiping everything?

I dont think so - If I have to lose all my hard earned gear so should he - But would I be pist'ed, No, I would just start over - The adventures I had finding it was unforgettable and I would love to do it all over again - Best was opening a snipers Backpack while he was prone in a tree and taking his drinks and noticed a Mountain Dew included and food and sworming away un-noticed :)

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So if some one else loses their gear it's okay but you losing your gear is unacceptable. Typical ArmA idiots.

Did you make any attempt whatsoever to read what I posted?

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