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[VIDEO] Hostage Situation gone wrong ! A must see!

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"If we kill them we'll get banned."

Shitty server. I hope it's a private hive.

Well yeah, it's a usually full private server, not allowed to KoS, which is good for roleplaying.

LoL gun arguments... never thought would have a PG ending

Sorry, PG ?

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Solider clotheing? You are a Hacker... thx for the videoprof DonkeyPuncherXxX

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there is soldier skin i this private?or is hacked, you are not welcome to [sOS]

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there is soldier skin i this private?or is hacked, you are not welcome to [sOS]

www.dayzrp.com private server, donate for perma skins no hasy accusations please..

Solider clotheing? You are a Hacker... thx for the videoprof DonkeyPuncherXxX

www.dayzrp.com private server, donate for perma skins no hasy accusations please..

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Solider clotheing? You are a Hacker... thx for the videoprof DonkeyPuncherXxX

It's a private hive derp...We use to have a legit SUV on a private hive. The owners can add Technicals if they want. (The trucks with mounted machine guns on back.)

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I like how people called hacker all the way back here !: P  + I refreshed the video link cause it was outdated. and private on the old channel :) 

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