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BR4INZ Chopper Bob

European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

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Yes I did, but it was kind of an accident.

We where flying back to my drop-off before going to bed,

I have this beamer attached to my PC, and alt-tabbed to windows to adjust my display settings for watching some series in bed.

Wasn't really expecting any action at that moment, but exactly at the moment in had my DayZ windowed on my beamer screen, which is far from my mouse and keyboard, shooting started and in panic i hit a wrong button which caused me to jump out of the helicopter with the parachute.

I could see on my beamer i landed safely, but was not able to control my character at that moment.

Sorry, Felt stupid to do, but didnt have any options beside running around like a chicken without head, or logging off...

Won't happen under normal circumstances ;)

No problem at all man,

Aslong as there is an answer I'm okay with it aslong as it wasn't a Oh i logged cause i didn't wanna die :) anyway next time :P prepare urselfs cause me and santa play 24/7 and even at night we will be hunting you :P

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Thanks for the lift yersterday Bob! As for the Scarecrow and the Gang i have only one thing to say "Winter is coming!" :)

We didn't kill you, it's zombies.

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LuCiD and I have a proposal to make,

We know the location of 2 vehicles that are not in possession of BRAINZ yet.

They have no fuel or anything in it, and are fully repaired.

we would like to make you a offer for the location,

2 vehicles for 1 ATV.

let us know what you think :)

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in my opinion if any team have all vehicles, other people won't play on server because they cannot get vehicles to travel.

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Steal them! Thats the fun of it.

I just lost the chopper, it bugged out and exploded while taking off :S

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Thanks for the epic battle against your chopper :D You almost got us, but our AS50 saved the day :)

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Doh! Give our truck back :P :P :P

We know the location of 2 vehicles that are not in possession of BRAINZ yet.


Eerm... there are around 30 vehicles in the game and we own 3. Second that... 2 since Tapp just stole our truck

Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob

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Why you don't mention the UAZ ? We also got it from that camp. So, maybe it's not your truck ?

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Hmm... no. Atleast I was not informed we had one... But our UAZ is deff gone hehe. First team to find our basecamp. Good thing we were gone with the chopper haha

Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob

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i ment the UAZ ;) That UAZ has changed owners for 4 times now haha

Make that 5 xD btw whoever is making base camps off the map is kinda cheating :P

Edited by LuCiDiTy

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I disconnected from the server while driving in your UAZ,

I logged back in and pressed "N" for my Night vision goggles.

accidently opened my map, closed the map.

Turned around and broke my leg and instantly died.

WTF just happened ?

apparently the car was on top of me while I tried to reconnect.

lost the car + gillie suit and all other items.............................

Would like a explanation or maybe even a refund on what I've

just lost, this isn't the first time I have been disconnecting. Me

and LuCiD have disconnected over 30 times together now during the night.

Edited by SantaCruZ3r

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Fix the server pl0x,

we keep crashing over and over.


We experienced the same. I hope that after the server restart of this morning it will be gone. Also going alt-tab to windows was giving troubles with the game crashing

DW guy's it's just battleeye being very touchy today I've seen about 50 dc's today due to battleeye cutting the connection :)

When somebody quits playing and logs out the messages comes. I am thinking it might be because we have a max ping of 150. I will set it on 200 and see if that helps.


I disconnected from the server while driving in your UAZ,

I logged back in and pressed "N" for my Night vision goggles.

accidently opened my map, closed the map.

Turned around and broke my leg and instantly died.

WTF just happened ?

apparently the car was on top of me while I tried to reconnect.

Thats a bummer. Somebody from BR4INZ had the same thing. Either you log back on and the car is gone or you are under it and die. There is really nothing I can do about that other then reset the server for a second time at the beginning of the evening, hoping that will fix the unstability. Yesterday was our most busy night ever on the server so these problems are new and I would like to see first if tonight will be better before I plan a scheduled restart at peek hours. Unfortunally I am not reimbursing lost items due to buggy deaths at this time and hope it will be a single event instead of a reincurring one and hope you can live with it. I had the same yesterday. My game crashed while goin to windows, I logged back in on an empty map, no grass/trees nothing, relogged and was put back on the beach as a fresh spawn without even any gear. My char was totally empty, not even a backpack. I just had to suck it up and start over aswell.

But please keep reporting these things so I know it is getting either worse or better and can take action on it to improve your game experience in NL 101

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I disconnected from the server while driving in your UAZ,

I logged back in and pressed "N" for my Night vision goggles.

accidently opened my map, closed the map.

Turned around and broke my leg and instantly died.

WTF just happened ?

apparently the car was on top of me while I tried to reconnect.

lost the car + gillie suit and all other items.............................

Would like a explanation or maybe even a refund on what I've

just lost, this isn't the first time I have been disconnecting. Me

and LuCiD have disconnected over 30 times together now during the night.

Welcome to the alpha version of Dayz, Where you probably die more often from bugs them from the zombies.

Ive died once when walking through 2 rocks and suddenly bones broke and i died, twice ive logged in and died instantly without seeing the light of day.

Just respawn, get new stuff and try again.

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Thats how I lost our chopper yesterday! So I don't want to hear any complaints about lost ghillie suits :P

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Ahh, the magic of DayZ - vehicles change owners fast as lightning :P And they were hidden not off map, it was still in the boundaries of it.

And anyone is thinking about some form of cooperation ? Maybe making a big camp with wire, sandbags and tents ? Because me and my team would like to do something like that, a litte form of two way help. It's easier to do, because of the nametags, so people can recognize each other.

And BTW - LuCiD, you and your friend were driving an ATV yesterday, north of the NW airfield, near Bashnya ?

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Since I am running a private hive I can mod the server a bit too. How do you guys feel about custom (basic) outfits for clans. It should be possible (altho I need to research it) to give players a custom starting outfit based on the clantag on their name. Atleast I heared P4N75 say that could be done.

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Thats how I lost our chopper yesterday! So I don't want to hear any complaints about lost ghillie suits :P

I found that chopper this morning :P while going around the sides of the map :) on my atv, also Yes Tapp I was someone shot at us while we came to the top of the hill so we drove back round found a crash site then killed some random player we thought was the guy who shot at us xD lol

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