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BR4INZ Chopper Bob

European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

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They didn't see you but I heard you all the way in Berezino, pointing them in the direction of Gorka.

That thing is noisy as hell :P

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Oh btw... tonight whitelisting will be turned on! So extra security in case our password will be compromised.

Everybody who has been invited and gave their nickname will be put on the list. If you changed your name in the past 2 days (excluding clantags as I will figure that out hehe) or just got invited and did not give me their name.... please let me know so I can grant you access

Players who are not whitelisted will, from now on, be stuck at "Loading" when they try to connect.

Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob

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I got a free 10-man mumble (voice) server along with the DayZ server so I have set it up in case you guys need to get in contact with me. Will ofcourse only be in mumble when I am online.

mumble info:


Port: 64828

pw: whereisbob

Also free to use as interclan communication. But only 10 spots so full is full ;)

Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob

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Nice one!

We tend to use our own Mumble server for clan speech, but I bet it will come in handy sometime when we need to ask you stuff :)

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Hi, me and my friends would like to join to this server. How we can get on whitelist ?

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hehe.. i knew I should have just kept hiding in the bush instead of running out to see if you landed lmao

Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob

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Soon you will not have anything :P Our team is the best for searching choppers :D

Edited by Falstaff

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Beware, we have both choppers xD

Let the games begin!

Is that so? hahaha Thanks for fixing it for us :P

lol P4NTS did you really combat log against me :/

Funny actually... he fell asleep behind the chopper gun while I was tanking. Then when I took off and you started shooting at us he logged out to go and sleep hehe. And btw... shooting at us does not grant you a lift :P

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Is that so? hahaha Thanks for fixing it for us :P

Funny actually... he fell asleep behind the chopper gun while I was tanking. Then when I took off and you started shooting at us he logged out to go and sleep hehe. And btw... shooting at us does not grant you a lift :P

He moved around proned tried looking for me then logged off when he couldn't see me lol.... It's okay about the lift :P

Next time hopefully I'l be using my m107, there shall be no escape :D haha gl guys :)

Edited by LuCiDiTy

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About that repairing, it seems a bit 'glitched'.

Probably not something you can fix I suppose, but when our chopper was broken, I could repair it by just simply scrolling to the repair xxxx option with a rotor assembly in my bag, then a short spinup sound was heard and suddenly the chopper was in mint condition.

This happened both when we found it in the first place and when I 'landed' it too hard and 3/4 was red.

We currently left the second chopper for the taking ;) But we might get greedy again and pick it up ourselfs :P

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We have noticed similar things with other vehicles Reynolds. Just by stepping out and in it sometimes repairs itself. I will ask the serverhosting company about that.

Added 1 more motorcycle and a landrover!

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Thanks for the lift yersterday Bob! As for the Scarecrow and the Gang i have only one thing to say "Winter is coming!" :)

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lol P4NTS did you really combat log against me :/


Yes I did, but it was kind of an accident.

We where flying back to my drop-off before going to bed,

I have this beamer attached to my PC, and alt-tabbed to windows to adjust my display settings for watching some series in bed.

Wasn't really expecting any action at that moment, but exactly at the moment in had my DayZ windowed on my beamer screen, which is far from my mouse and keyboard, shooting started and in panic i hit a wrong button which caused me to jump out of the helicopter with the parachute.

I could see on my beamer i landed safely, but was not able to control my character at that moment.

Sorry, Felt stupid to do, but didnt have any options beside running around like a chicken without head, or logging off...

Won't happen under normal circumstances ;)

Edited by P4N75

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"Winter is coming!" :)

:D :D :D

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The 'always-visible' nametags are indeed off, but the ones you can trigger by using your scroll menu are still on.

You can also use that as a free rangefinder. Handy to determine teammates from enemies, but it might be more 'fun' to turn it off, if possible?

Did anyone take a fully repaired ATV somewhere in the west by chance? :P Logged out with it, but it was gone the next day. Not sure if stolen or bugged.

Brilliant server! Lot's of action!

For instance, got ambushed by VK upon loggin in at NWA barracks, stupid mistake -.-

Lost my jeep by parking next to an enemy jeep while recklessly chasing one :P another mistake.

And Bob, never trust a man with an axe :P

Keep up the good admin work!

Soooo.. it was your body I heared :P

I went out for investigation and got missed by a sniper. Duck for cover in the barracks, and while I tried to figure out where he shot from, someone entered from the door.. FML xd

Never got to use the first beartrap I ever found :(

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Something I forgot to share with you guys. A week ago it was my birthday.... and my girlfriend got me this birthday cake ;) (and yes... i have the greatest girlfriend ever :P )


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For those who are still waiting to get whitelisted after getting their access details today, please bare with me. I am still at work putting in some extra time and will be home around 8pm (GMT+1). Cant access the database from work as it is blocked (damn you IT guys!)

Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob

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