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77Sam77 (DayZ)

I hate alt-f4'ers

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I really hope that in the standalone, Rocket will do something about these Alt-f4'ers.

I was looting Balota and the airfield near their when I saw a guy running from the airfield to the medic camp. I decided not to shoot him yet and follow him to find out if he was friendly. I sat in a bush and said for about 15 times: "Are you frienly", because I thought maybe he didn't hear me. But he didn't reply and I decided I had to kill him. So I took about 4 shots at him in a watchtower only to see him dissapear....

But that's not all. I looted a part of the medic camp when I saw they had logged back in, so i went to finish him off,. And that's when the bullets came flying past my head. He had a terrible aim but was able to hit me 1 time though. I didn't had much stuff and had tents full of weapons somewhere else so I decided to go to the body, hide it so they couldn't take it anymore, but when I arrived at the place ofthe body, it wasn't there anymore and I got shot. I think they had changed servers or something and moved position....

gmF|TehShadow and gmF|Deadnight.. I'm going to hunt you down and I WILL kill you.

Edited by 77Sam77

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The server I play on (private hive) has a 60 second timer where you remain in-game after leaving, I imagine something similar could/will be implemented in standalone.

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I think that something has to be implimented, like if you switch servers you can't switch back to the first server for like 15 minutes. So you can't hop server, change position and then hop back in to kill the guy who actually would have killed you.

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People should really stop the QQ , alt f4 sucks but its the only thing alot of people can use to escape the hackers who turn around waste my 5 weeks of survival in one moment. They join teleport an kill an leave like a bunch of bitches. Now i can detect them then exit to same my own ass.

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I don't see the problem. It sounds like you got exactly what you deserved. You shot at an innocent person and they escaped from you. I've never used alt-f4 but when I read about people shooting at others, I can fully see why they do it.

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I asked 15 times or even more times if he was friendly!! I had this before, I left them alone and some time later that same person killed me... too many backstabbers in dayz now to trust anyone.

And why is that person innocent... I asked a lot of times if he was friendly, and if you don't answer then, you can assume they aren't friendly and soemtimes even bandits. So I think if they didn't alt-f4, I would have done something good for the players on that server.

And if the person being shot at don't want to lose his/her stuff, he/she shouldn't play this game...

Edited by 77Sam77

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I don't see the problem. It sounds like you got exactly what you deserved. You shot at an innocent person and they escaped from you. I've never used alt-f4 but when I read about people shooting at others, I can fully see why they do it.

Really...? It's a PvP sandbox game..

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I get shot and killed a lot, but when I do, I don't alt-f4 like a coward, I lost some great stuff, which I could have kept with alt-f4, but I didn't. I just began from scratch and just played on, that's the fun of dayz. Without PVP, you didn't have to be so cautious everytime because zombies are too easy to avoid and shrug off.

I'm not a bandit and have 1 murder in like 3-4 months.

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You could tell he was innocent because he wasn't wearing a bandit skin, and he didn't shoot at you, as you said yourself.

You chose to shoot at him, not the other way round. How do you know he spoke English? You don't. So you shot at a guy because he ignored you and so he didn't stay to let you kill him. That's just how I see it. You're entitled to shoot at whomever you like. When you post about it people will reply, and not everyone will see things your way. That's dayz. :thumbsup:

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You could tell he was innocent because he wasn't wearing a bandit skin, and he didn't shoot at you, as you said yourself.

You chose to shoot at him, not the other way round. How do you know he spoke English? You don't. So you shot at a guy because he ignored you and so he didn't stay to let you kill him. That's just how I see it. You're entitled to shoot at whomever you like. When you post about it people will reply, and not everyone will see things your way. That's dayz. :thumbsup:

Huh, gotta add that to my double standard list.

to the topic, Pretty simple to add a timer, problem is hackers will just be....OP. You'd need an admin on 24/7 if you were to implement a timer.

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Was running through stary-sobor this morning, and heard gunshots from the military tents. i went up to there to check it out only to get shot at by a bandit with a ak-47, as soon as i opened fire towards him. he alt-f4ed. if you're going to start a fire-fight at-least stay in it to attempt to finish me off.

I'm the owner of the server so around 5 minutes later i got an e-mail form the same bandit saying i should be banned for trying to kill him. -Pathetic

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You could tell he was innocent because he wasn't wearing a bandit skin, and he didn't shoot at you, as you said yourself.

You chose to shoot at him, not the other way round. How do you know he spoke English? You don't. So you shot at a guy because he ignored you and so he didn't stay to let you kill him. That's just how I see it. You're entitled to shoot at whomever you like. When you post about it people will reply, and not everyone will see things your way. That's dayz. :thumbsup:

That's true, but alt-f4'ing isnt dayz too.

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So i'm up on the back of Dobrry with my M1911 with two Mags, Listening, Then suddenly i hear an AS50 and a DMR Rip out about 50m away from into Elektro, I start rolling over looking for these Guys, Then up ahead i see a Ghille running around in the woods, I crouch behind a tree and watch as he goes past, And a second one appears, Then he goes down to Elektro, Presumably to loot body of the Unlucky sod that they shot, The initial ghille Looks into the Town with Rangefinders before pulling out his Sniper and looking into it, As i crawl over i can see now that it has a TWS scope on it, And groan, Because i won't pick it up if i kill him, and most of the other stuff is probably hacked too. But i run over and Spray a mag into his head and shoulders, He slumps, I see the other Ghille running towards me about 15 metres away, He empties a whole (SVD With a massive scope?) Whilst i blindly fire my M1911 at him, Then when i hear his gun start clicking, I take the chance and aim up more accurately,


So i turn back really pissed off to check the body of the other sniper...


Fucking dissapointing.

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The first couple of weeks I played dayz I would abort using the routine way if attacked by lots of zombies. I've never alt-f4d. Someone told me that it was "cheating" to abort, even though it's against zombies, and I used to usually end up dead anyway because it takes some time to exit the game the routine way.

But after that I learned to run away from zombies, as I play this game as fairly as I can but must still comply with other people's views of right and wrong where those views are the official rules of the game. If they are not rules of the game company, then I live by the high standards by which I live my life and play games. So I don't kill other players. I've never even pointed my gun at another player. I only kill zombies.

I have only ever been killed by gutless cowards who snipe me from a distance. Now that's what I call cheating. No one has ever had the guts to shoot at me up close. So I have never needed to use escape, abort, disconnect.... and so on against a player. But do I think it's acceptable for someone to whine because another player didn't let him kill them? No but it's a part of dayz.

As to double standards, I'll accept your point if you list both CMLegion. As my behaviour always complies with my values and beliefs on honorable and fair play. That's how I live my life and it's how I play games. Explain your point by simply listing the two standards you accuse me of.

Edited by Sula

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The only reason I currently tolerate alt f4 usage is hackers.

In the standalone, since there won't be any hackers, there shouldn't be an option to instantly leave the server.

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