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There is no such gun as M4A3 CCO SD, there is and M4A3 CCO, M4A1 CCO and M4A1 CCO SD

there is if it is hacked in.

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You didn't capitalize the beginnings of your sentences, nor did you capitalize the always-capital self-referring 'I'. Sentence number one is a fragment, and you erroneously capitalized English (though "i", nor the beginning of your sentences were important enough to get capitalized).

The original poster is likely foreign, what's your excuse?

HHAHAHAHAAH this! Have my beans.

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Stop being idiots and read

Hey dude well for me I'm always sure to turn my sound to the way I need them which is, music and unecessary crap down, SFX full. This way I can hear bullets my mates never hear. Also I use headphones so I can tell which side noise comes from and so on. Gangsters represent

You're an idiot... We are Bandits not wanna-be gangsters, GTFO.

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