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Anyone who has been killed via HACK...im all wtf's?!?(rant)

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what happens? does your dude just keel over and say YOU ARE DEAD?

I was on my way to electro to loot, on my way over a moutain, i fell and broke my leg and was bleeding out with already low blood. i awoke in time to bandage up and fix the leg before i died. with really low blood, and a bunch of raw meat i hugged a tree for dear life and started making a fire. right when i went to lite the fire to cook the meat and regain my blood level, i keel over. WTF. my blood wasnt even blinking, it was red, but not death red. the leg was fixed. i was about to enjoy a few steaks. then, death. there was also another white indicator above the broken leg indicator. im not sure what this was. but it seamed like it made my survivor(dead survivor) go deaf. im wondering if i got sniped, but i highly doupt it. i found alot of decent loot/weapons in the last 2 hours of life. im pissed.

one fun fact about this... i get to start all over again tomorrow. then get hacked in the future. if thats even what happened.


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When you are very low on blood you can randomly pass out, this means your character will fall over and an egg timer style icon will start to count down in the middle of the screen. Sometimes the countdown can be fast, sometimes very slow.

there was also another white indicator above the broken leg indicator. im not sure what this was.

That was most likely the indicator for your guy being in shock, food and drink would help cure that. If you log out of the server whilst in shock like this, when you log back in you have a chance to pass out (though sometimes - and I've had this happen - you can log back in and just be regular in control but still in shock).

The deafness is part of low blood, you can't hear when your blood pressure is very low, your vision is also impaired.

But I must say, nothing you describe sounds "hacker" related at all, it sounds like you were very low on blood, passing out, in shock and finally something made you die... It may very well have been a sniper shot, but nothing you say seems to make for a hacker related story my friend, sorry.

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Its possible it was a hacker, but unlikely. Sometimes running certain scripts will cause issues like shock, but im yet to bleed from them without being teleported into the air etc (and Ive been hack killed alot).

That was most likely the indicator for your guy being in shock, food and drink would help cure that. If you log out of the server whilst in shock like this, when you log back in you have a chance to pass out (though sometimes - and I've had this happen - you can log back in and just be regular in control but still in shock).

Apparently an epipen will cure shock:


Although I thought he was in pain, which is fixed from painkillers.

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Apparently an epipen will cure shock:


Indeed, epipens instantly cure shock, but you can only apply them to other people, not yourself - least I can't seem to jab myself - maybe I'm too special to get the aim right?

So, failing an epipen and a buddy, when you go into shock, retreat to the tree's, sit still, calm down let your breathing return to normal, food and drink, it will steady your nerves.

Shock is indicated by this white icon directly. Pain is indicated less obviously, to spot being in pain (which only happens after being struck by a zombie) you need be in first person view, if the view is juddering (or just your weapon juddering) you are in pain - and indeed, as sostronk makes clear, painkillers are the correct way to remove the effect of pain. You can not easily spot being in pain from the third person perspective.

And Viaticus you don't mention shaking so it does not sound like you were in pain.

As I understand it though, if you are in shock, and stay in shock, and push your character to keep going (this is indicated with the very ragged breathing you can hear) your character can randomly have a cardiac arrest and die. So curing shock is important, keep warm, keep dry, eat food, drink, check for pain and calm down to remove shock effects.

Hope this helps :)

Edited by Xelous

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I've noticed that sometimes when a skiddie kills me my bones break and I don't lose any blood, but I still die (you need to be using the debug HUD to notice this now).

If you were low on blood and had just lit a fire though... it means you were a sitting duck. It's quite possible that someone shot you in a limb, breaking it and causing enough blood loss to kill you, and you just didn't hear the shot before you died (the deafness is temporary and occurs during some injuries, but sometimes you won't hear a shot before you die, especially if it's from a sniper far away).

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Thank you all for the info. This was my 3rd survivor. I just started playing 3 days ago. Seems I play untill i die lol. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

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Doesn't sound like a hacker. I've been downed by a hacker a few times before, once running to NWAF he teleported right behind me an shot me in the back like a champ. Another time a friend an I were in cherno an a group up people showed up shooting silenced weapons with colorful smoke grenades going everywhere. Hackers are a bit annoying but a regular part of online gaming. I don't really mind the hacked weapons but godmode is annoying.

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@puppet I had probally 8-9000bp and then fell. The fall broke my leg and caused bleeding, not a gun shot. Fixed both and then went to make the fire. But Yea I could of got shot then. Or Maby it was shock, who knows..

Edited by Viaticus

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Didnt have any on me, used up the last Box probably a half hour before.

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