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About Abakar

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  • Location
    Greenville, SC
  • Interests
    football / Games / Computers / animals
  1. Agree with the OP 100% I don't give a shit about picking berries, nifty spray paint, eating all the food at once. what I do care about is bullshit dsync, zombies walking through walls, higher zombie count, etc etc etc. I'm more likely to be pissed about being killed by an asshole with 300 ping hoping all around the server then if my gun isn't painted to match my helmet.
  2. Abakar

    Night vision, GPS.

    its not like there is a person directly connecting you to the satellite like its an old school phone or something. its unrealistic to think these kinds of services would just suddenly fall apart and stop working. perhaps lower the accuracy to account for bad weather. it gives you a general idea where you are.
  3. Abakar

    DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

    Your correct it may not solve the problems but in a conversation you generally share opinions and ideas about a topic that could help. No make retard troll comments like Frosti.
  4. Abakar

    DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

    I would rather seem random spawns all over the map and have "good" loot spawn in major cities that are overrun with zombies. Make it so that to get the loot you would need other peoples help. Until something like that happens that suiciding and KoS will not be stopped.
  5. Abakar

    DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

    How is it relevant where the "good stuff" spawns? It's all gone within 30 minutes of restart anyways. All the spawn changing has done is changed were the Dbags camp, I was murdered 3 times trying to meet up with a friend in electro, people are getting gear and camping the roads to cherno from the east. So really how does this help?
  6. Agreed! Fix hackers then worry about the aborters. I'm willing to bet most of the people bitching about them are hackers with god mode whining cause they still can't get kills with all their hacks.
  7. Abakar

    Hacker on US2850

    I was just on that server and he ported to me aswell. thankfully I was in the woods and heard him spawn in and crunch leaves I looked behind me an noticed him in time to Abort. same guy Bruce Lee.
  8. Abakar

    Traders and Traitors

    Sorry, was posting from my iPhone while cutting the grass. haha! fixed it!
  9. Abakar

    Traders and Traitors

    Narsil +1 good trade, friendly guy! Look forward to trading again.
  10. looking to trade a MK48 I just found at a downed heli. make an offer...I'd really like a G-suit or AS50 though
  11. Doesn't sound like a hacker. I've been downed by a hacker a few times before, once running to NWAF he teleported right behind me an shot me in the back like a champ. Another time a friend an I were in cherno an a group up people showed up shooting silenced weapons with colorful smoke grenades going everywhere. Hackers are a bit annoying but a regular part of online gaming. I don't really mind the hacked weapons but godmode is annoying.
  12. Abakar

    Flipped atv Save querie

    Don't think so, I know if you save it while its flipped it will be right side up on server restart. happened to me yesterday and I got off thinking I could just flip it over from outside the vehicle. just so happens the Admin gave us a 5 minute warning the server was restarting so we saved the ATV and waited. when the server was back up it was on all 4 and we just jumped on and drove away.