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Takistan's airfield...

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Hello, I just installed Takistan into my new private hive Vilayer server, I set the vehicules count to 60 (wasn't sure what to expect with that option) So I went to the south east airfield after I've found a map ... I found around 10 vehicules : three c-130 a UH1H an attack helicopter, and my favorites : 3 HMMWVs with rail guns on top of them.

Is that normal on that map or is it because of the vilayer's feature ?

Note that this is not hacking, I was the only one on the server and vilayer has a hell of a good protection.

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Vilayer is creating theyre own version of Takistan, so its completely up to them. They arent gonna release the code any time soon and it would appear they have added some of the "banned" vehicles from dayz :)

Never had vilayer so i cant tell you, but it seems that how its working.

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Attack helicopter sounds absolutely disgraceful. What in hell would anyone do to combat that ? Farm the barracks for a week for a rocket launcher and hope it doesnt do a fly by ?

And then quigh obviously miss and farm another week.

Edited by Delta Smoke 01

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Some of these ideas are good, But a plane? Kinda disfigures the original idea of Dayz. The community has to try all it can i suppose for a better player experience but what's the point? no zeds threat and OP vehicles and weapons it may just as well be another seperate Arma 2 mod.

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The above 2.

I have a few vehicles that are banned I wanted to see in, but certainly nothing broken like that. I was more interested in a chinook as a ambulance chopper and things of RP nature... An A-10 or Apache is ridiculous.

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i;d rather be strafed by guys in a plane then a helo.. least with the plane you know theres no chance they can land and hunt you down on the spot..

i do kind of like having to hide from helos/planes it adds to the fear factor.

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Difference being you can shoot back at a chopper and hit the gunner/pilot pretty easily. A plane? Not so much.

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There is no apache, there is a viper and a blackhawk. and they balance each other pretty well. The miniguns on the Chinooks don't work the last I saw, and yes, the C130 is ridiculous.

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I don't know if there's an Apache on their server or not, but regular Arma has it. I was more saying that a lot of the crap that COULD be added, would be stupid. Beyond what was mentioned here, I don't know what has been re-added.

I can't really think of any situation where allowing a C-130 (if armed) to be a good idea. I can sort of somewhat see the coolness, if it were unarmed, and was only used to move supplies/paratroops, but beyond that, pfft.

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If military installations were abandoned during the infection why would there not be planes and all the things takistan has.

Russian zeds wandering about the desert not so great give us some ragheads to shoot !

Honestly takistan has been like a breath of fresh air for me, much more difficult than chernarus thanks to the lack of hospitals and the infinite consumable exploit being gone.

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If military installations were abandoned during the infection why would there not be planes and all the things takistan has.

Russian zeds wandering about the desert not so great give us some ragheads to shoot !

Honestly takistan has been like a breath of fresh air for me, much more difficult than chernarus thanks to the lack of hospitals and the infinite consumable exploit being gone.

Coz dayz takes place long AFTER the outbreak, meaning people have already gotten the heavy mili gear and vehicles and gotten the hell out of there in a hurry.

You are one of the last survivors IN THE WORLD in this game, so its completely ridiculous to have attack chopper and massive planes.

It simply would not be there in real life tbh. Same with big ass snipers and insane military equipment, it just doenst belong in this game with the setting the game has.

To unrealistic for me tbh.

Heres a small part of the main site for dayz, confirming the game takes place after the outbreak and most people in the world is dead now:

A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population, now infected with the disease.
Edited by Byrgesen

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I agree re: massive planes like C-130, but in my opinion the An-2 fits in just fine and it should be added to proper DayZ.

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